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Word Meanings - CLAMOROUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud; turbulent. "My young ones were clamorous for a morning's excursion." Southey. -- Clam"or*ous*ly, adv. -- Clam"or*ous*ness,

Additional info about word: CLAMOROUS

Speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud; turbulent. "My young ones were clamorous for a morning's excursion." Southey. -- Clam"or*ous*ly, adv. -- Clam"or*ous*ness, n.

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Related words: (words related to CLAMOROUS)

    1. One who, or that which, stuns. 2. Something striking or amazing in quality; something of extraordinary excellence. Thackeray.
    Any one of several species of venomous American snakes belonging to the genera Crotalus and Caudisona, or Sistrurus. They have a series of horny interlocking joints at the end of the tail which make a sharp ratting sound when shaken. The common
    Bellowing, as a calf; bawling; brawling; clamoring; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly. "Harsh and blatant tone." R. H. Dana. A monster, which the blatant beast men call. Spenser. Glory, that blatant word, which haunts some military
    Speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud; turbulent. "My young ones were clamorous for a morning's excursion." Southey. -- Clam"or*ous*ly, adv. -- Clam"or*ous*ness,
    Making a loud outcry; clamorous; noisy; as, vociferous heralds. -- Vo*cif"er*ous*ly, adv. -- Vo*cif"er*ous*ness, n.
    Making, or accompanied by, uproar, or noise and tumult; as, uproarious merriment. -- Up*roar"i*ous*ly, adv. -- Up*roar"i*ous*ness, n.
    Capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard; as, an audible voice or whisper.
    The quality of being audible.
    Returning, or capable of returning, sound; fitted to resound; resounding; echoing back. Through every hour of the golden morning, the streets were resonant with female parties of young and old. De Quincey.
    In a sound manner.
    Any machine or vehicle that does not run smoothly. A. Trollope.
    An instrument, utensil, or machine, which, by alternate expansion and contraction, or by rise and fall of the top, draws in air through a valve and expels it through a tube for various purposes, as blowing fires, ventilating mines, or filling the
    The quality or state of being sound; as, the soundness of timber, of fruit, of the teeth, etc.; the soundness of reasoning or argument; soundness of faith. Syn. -- Firmness; strength; solidity; healthiness; truth; rectitude.
    1. To cause to make a ratting or clattering sound; as, to rattle a chain. 2. To assail, annoy, or stun with a ratting noise. Sound but another , and another shall As loud as thine rattle the welkin's ear. Shak. 3. Hence, to disconcert; to confuse;
    The golden-eye.
    Any plant of the genus Astragalus. See Milk vetch.
    1. Making a noise, esp. a loud sound; clamorous; vociferous; turbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd. 2. Full of noise. "The noisy town." Dryden.
    An unmanned balloon sent aloft for meteorological or aëronautic purposes.
    A sounding-board. To many a row of pipes the sound-board breathes. Milton.
    1. Overpowering consciousness; overpowering the senses; especially, overpowering the sense of hearing; confounding with noise. 2. Striking or overpowering with astonishment, especially on account of excellence; as, stunning poetry. C. Kingsley.
    Pompous; noisy; ostentatious; as, high-sounding words or titles.
    resonare; pref. re- re- + sonare to sound, sonus sound. See Sound to 1. To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far. 2. To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song. 3. To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. "Common fame
    To bellow again; to repeat or echo a bellow. The cave rebellowed, and the temple shook. Dryden.
    One who, or that which; sounds; specifically, an instrument used in telegraphy in place of a register, the communications being read by sound.
    bellen, and perh. to L. flere to weep, OSlav. bleja to bleat, Lith. 1. To make a hollow, loud noise, as an enraged bull. 2. To bowl; to vociferate; to clamor. Dryden. 3. To roar; as the sea in a tempest, or as the wind when violent; to make a loud,
    Not capable of being sounded or fathomed; unfathomable. Shak.
    To sound wrongly; to utter or pronounce incorrectly. E,Hall.


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