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Word Meanings - CLEARNESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The quality or state of being clear. Syn. -- Clearness, Perspicuity. Clearness has reference to our ideas, and springs from a distinct conception of the subject under consideration. Perspicuity has reference to the mode of expressing our ideas and

Additional info about word: CLEARNESS

The quality or state of being clear. Syn. -- Clearness, Perspicuity. Clearness has reference to our ideas, and springs from a distinct conception of the subject under consideration. Perspicuity has reference to the mode of expressing our ideas and belongs essentially to style. Hence we speak of a writer as having clear ideas, a clear arrangement, and perspicuous phraseology. We do at times speak of a person's having great clearness of style; but in such cases we are usually thinking of the clearness of his ideas as manifested in language. "Whenever men think clearly, and are thoroughly interested, they express themselves with perspicuity and force." Robertson.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of CLEARNESS)

Related words: (words related to CLEARNESS)

    1. The quality or state of being distinct; a separation or difference that prevents confusion of parts or things. The soul's . . . distinctness from the body. Cudworth. 2. Nice discrimination; hence, clearness; precision; as, he stated
    1. The quality or condition of being transparent; transparence. 2. That which is transparent; especially, a picture painted on thin cloth or glass, or impressed on porcelain, or the like, to be viewed by natural or artificial light, which shines
    1. The quality or state of being transparent or translucent. Sir T. Browne. 2. The quality of being perspicuous to the understanding; clearness of expression or thought. 3. Sagacity; perspicacity. Syn. -- Clearness; perspicuousness; plainness;
    The quality or state of being lucid.
    The quality or state of being clear. Syn. -- Clearness, Perspicuity. Clearness has reference to our ideas, and springs from a distinct conception of the subject under consideration. Perspicuity has reference to the mode of expressing our ideas and
    The quality or state of being intelligible; clearness; perspicuity; definiteness.
    The quality or state of being plain.
    The quality or state of being pellucid; transparency; translucency; clearness; as, the pellucidity of the air. Locke.
    Imperfect or partial transparency.
    The quality or condition of being indistinct; want of definiteness; dimness; confusion; as, the indistinctness of a picture, or of comprehension; indistinctness of vision.
    Want of perspicuity or clearness; vaguness; ambiguity.
    The qualiti or state of being imperfectly transparent.


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