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Word Meanings - CONDITIONATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Conditional. Barak's answer is faithful, though conditionate. Bp. Hall.

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    The quality of being conditional, or limited; limitation by certain terms.
    imp. & p. p. of Think.
    1. Lacking thought; careless; inconsiderate; rash; as, a thoughtless person, or act. 2. Giddy; gay; dissipated. Johnson. 3. Deficient in reasoning power; stupid; dull. Thoughtless as monarch oaks that shade the plain. Dryden. -- Thought"less*ly,
    Expressing a condition or supposition; as, a conditional word, mode, or tense. A conditional proposition is one which asserts the dependence of one categorical proposition on another. Whately. The words hypothetical and conditional may be . . .
    1. To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation. 2. To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to ; to
    Conditional. Barak's answer is faithful, though conditionate. Bp. Hall.
    1. Full of thought; employed in meditation; contemplative; as, a man of thoughtful mind. War, horrid war, your thoughtful walks invades. Pope. 2. Attentive; careful; exercising the judgment; having the mind directed to an object; as, thoughtful
    Having no answer, or impossible to be answered. Byron.
    1. Obliged to answer; liable to be called to account; liable to pay, indemnify, or make good; accountable; amenable; responsible; as, an agent is answerable to his principal; to be answerable for a debt, or for damages. Will any man argue that
    In an answerable manner; in due proportion or correspondence; suitably.
    In a conditional manner; subject to a condition or conditions; not absolutely or positively. Shak.
    1. Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe, especially in the declarations and promises of God. You are not faithful, sir. B. Jonson. 2. Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties, or other engagements. The faithful God,
    One who answers.
    The quality of being answerable, liable, responsible, or correspondent.
    Granting, admitting, or supposing that; notwithstanding that; if. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. Job xiii. 15. Not that I so affirm, though so it seem. Milton. Note: It is compounded with all in although. See Although. As though, as
    imp. & p. p. of Bethink.
    Thought of, or planned, beforehand; aforethought; prepense; hence, deliberate. "Forethought malice." Bacon.
    1. Not faithful; not observant of promises, vows, allegiance, or duty; violating trust or confidence; treacherous; perfidious; as, an unfaithful subject; an unfaithful agent or servant. My feet, through wine, unfaithful to their weight. Pope. His
    Any form of belief in mental healing other than Christian Science and hypnotism or psychotherapy. Its central principle is affirmative thought, or suggestion, employed with the conviction that man produces changes in his health, his finances,
    Not answerable; irrefutable; conclusive; decisive; as, he have an unanswerable argument. -- Un*an"swer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*an"swer*a*bly, adv.
    Unconditional. Sir T. Browne.
    Not conditional limited, or conditioned; made without condition; absolute; unreserved; as, an unconditional surrender. O, pass not, Lord, an absolute decree, Or bind thy sentence unconditional. Dryden. -- Un`con*di"tion*al*ly, adv.
    Grant all this; be it that; supposing that; notwithstanding; though. Although all shall be offended, yet will no I. Mark xiv. 29. Syn. -- Although, Though. Although, which originally was perhaps more emphatic than though, is now interchangeable
    Reflection after an act; later or subsequent thought or expedient.
    Having forethought.
    Having one's thoughts directed toward mean or insignificant subjects.


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