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Word Meanings - CONFIGURE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To arrange or dispose in a certain form, figure, or shape. Bentley.

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Related words: (words related to CONFIGURE)

    One who deranges.
    The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity. Syn. -- Disorder; confusion; embarrassment; irregularity; disturbance; insanity;
    Disordered; especially, disordered in mind; crazy; insane. The story of a poor deranged parish lad. Lamb.
    Behaving like a fashion-monger. Shak.
    Having a certain style or fashion; as old-fashioned; new- fashioned.
    One who studies the fashions; a fop; a dandy. Marston.
    In a fashionable manner.
    is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. 1. To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li. 5. Grace shaped her limbs, and
    To arrange or dispose in a certain form, figure, or shape. Bentley.
    One who misconstrues.
    1. To treat, work, or operate with the hands, especially when knowledge and dexterity are required; to manage in hand work; to handle; as, to manipulate scientific apparatus. 2. To control the action of, by management; as, to manipulate
    Causing distortion.
    State of being fashionable.
    1. One who shapes; as, the shaper of one's fortunes. The secret of those old shapers died with them. Lowell. 2. That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object. Specifically; A kind of planer in which the tool,
    1. Well-formed; having a regular shape; comely; symmetrical. T. Warton. Waste sandy valleys, once perplexed with thorn, The spiry fir and shapely box adorn. Pope. Where the shapely column stood. Couper. 2. Fit; suitable. Shaply for to
    1. To put out of place, order, or rank; to disturb the proper arrangement or order of; to throw into disorder, confusion, or embarrassment; to disorder; to disarrange; as, to derange the plans of a commander, or the affairs of a nation.
    1. Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress. 2. Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as, the fashionable philosophy;
    1. To turnanother way; to divert. Let's follow him, and pervert the present wrath. Shak. 2. To turn from truth, rectitude, or propriety; to divert from a right use, end, or way; to lead astray; to corrupt; also, to misapply; to misinterpret
    Destitute of shape or regular form; wanting symmetry of dimensions; misshapen; -- opposed to Ant: shapely. -- Shape"less*ness, n. The shapeless rock, or hanging precipice. Pope.
    An unnatural deviation of shape or position of any part of the body producing visible deformity. (more info) 1. The act of distorting, or twisting out of natural or regular shape; a twisting or writhing motion; as, the distortions of the face or
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    Shaped like a diamond or rhombus.
    Shaped like a strap; ligulate; as, a strap-shaped corolla.
    Subulate. See Subulate. Gray. (more info) 1. Shaped like an awl.
    Shaped like a sword; ensiform, as the long, flat leaves of the Iris, cattail, and the like.
    Inversely ovate, with a deep hollow on each side. Gray.
    The act of refashioning, or the state of being refashioned. Leigh Hunt.
    Of the form of a pear.
    Resembling an egg in form; ovoid.


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