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Word Meanings - CONTINENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

continere to hold together, to repress: cf. F. continent. See 1. Serving to restrain or limit; restraining; opposing. Shak. 2. Exercising restraint as to the indulgence of desires or passions; temperate; moderate. Have a continent forbearance

Additional info about word: CONTINENT

continere to hold together, to repress: cf. F. continent. See 1. Serving to restrain or limit; restraining; opposing. Shak. 2. Exercising restraint as to the indulgence of desires or passions; temperate; moderate. Have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes slower. Shak. 3. Abstaining from sexual intercourse; exercising restraint upon the sexual appetite; esp., abstaining from illicit sexual intercourse; chaste. My past life Hath been as continent, as chaste, as true, As I am now unhappy. Shak. 4. Not interrupted; connected; continuous; as, a continent fever. The northeast part of Asia is, if not continent with the west side of America, yet certainly it is the least disoined by sea of all that coast. Berrewood.

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    The system of commercial blockade aiming to exclude England from commerce with the Continent instituted by the Berlin decree, which Napoleon I. issued from Berlin Nov. 21, 1806, declaring the British Isles to be in a state of blockade, and British
    A broad ice sheet resting on a plain or plateau and spreading outward from a central névé, or region of accumulation.
    To sober. Crabbe.
    A transmission arrangement in which the longitudinal crank shaft drives the rear wheels through a clutch, change-speed gear, countershaft, and two parallel side chains, in order.
    In a sober manner; temperately; cooly; calmly; gravely; seriously.
    Severely; rigidly; sternly. A doctrine austerely logical. Macaulay.
    1. Moderate; not excessive; as, temperate heat; a temperate climate. 2. Not marked with passion; not violent; cool; calm; as, temperate language. She is not hot, but temperate as the morn. Shak. That sober freedom out of which there springs Our
    The quality or state of being temperate; moderateness; temperance.
    1. Sour and astringent; rough to the state; having acerbity; as, an austere crab apple; austere wine. 2. Severe in modes of judging, or living, or acting; rigid; rigorous; stern; as, an austere man, look, life. From whom the austere Etrurian virtue
    sobre, from L. sobrius, probably from a prefix so- expressing 1. Temperate in the use of spirituous liquors; habitually temperate; as, a sober man. That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of Thy holy name. Bk.
    The quality or state of being sober.
    In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately.
    Having a disposition or temper habitually sober. -- So"ber-mind`ed*ness, n.
    1. Harshness or astringent sourness to the taste; acerbity. Johnson. 2. Severity; strictness; austerity. Shak.
    In a temperate manner.
    With abstinence.
    Refraining from indulgence, especially from the indulgence of appetite; abstemious; continent; temperate. Beau. & Fl.
    Of or pertaining to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War; as, Continental money. The army before Boston was designated as the Continental army, in contradistinction to that under General Gage, which was called
    Refusing to gratify one's self; self-sacrificing. -- Self`-de*ny"ing*ly, adv.
    1. Abstaining from wine. Under his special eye Abstemious I grew up and thrived amain. Milton. 2. Sparing in diet; refraining from a free use of food and strong drinks; temperate; abstinent; sparing in the indulgence of the appetite or passions.
    1. Immoderate. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. Diseased; disordered. Wodroephe.
    Unable to restrain natural evacuations. (more info) 1. Not continent; uncontrolled; not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd.
    Between or among continents; subsisting or carried on between continents; as, intercontinental relations or commerce.
    A mineral, found in crystals, of a yellow to green or brown color, and consisting of aluminia and glucina. It is very hard, and is often used as a gem.
    Not continent; incontinent. Wyclif .
    1. The state of being intemperate; excessive indulgence of any appetite or passion; as, intemperateness in eating or drinking. 2. Severity of weather; inclemency. Boyle. By unseasonable weather, by intemperateness of the air or meteors. Sir M.
    To make sober. Sad accidents to ensober his spirits. Jer. Taylor.
    1. In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint; -- used esp. of the passions or appetites. 2. Immediately; at once; forthwith. Immediately he sent word to Athens that he would incontinently come hither with a host of men.
    Tempered; proportioned; properly adapted. Hope must be . . . attemperate to the promise. Hammond.


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