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Word Meanings - COZEN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To cheat; to defrand; to beguile; to deceive, usually by small arts, or in a pitiful way. He had cozened the world by fine phrases. Macualay. Children may be cozened into a knowledge of the letters. Locke. Goring loved no man so well but that he

Additional info about word: COZEN

To cheat; to defrand; to beguile; to deceive, usually by small arts, or in a pitiful way. He had cozened the world by fine phrases. Macualay. Children may be cozened into a knowledge of the letters. Locke. Goring loved no man so well but that he would cozen him, and expose him to public mirth for having been cozened. Clarendon.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of COZEN)

Related words: (words related to COZEN)

    The art or practice of cozening; artifice; fraud. Shak.
    To deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device; to withhold from wrongfully; to injure by embezzlement; to cheat; to overreach; as, to defraud a servant, or a creditor, or the state; -- with of before the thing
    1. A female juggler. T. Warton.
    Given to tricks; artful in making bargains; given to deception and cheating; knavish. -- Trick"ish*ly, adv. -- Trick"ish*ness, n.
    Capable of being cheated.
    The art of dressing up; artifice; stratagem; fraud; imposture.
    One who swindles, or defrauds grossly; one who makes a practice of defrauding others by imposition or deliberate artifice; a cheat. Syn. -- Sharper; rogue. -- Swindler, Sharper. These words agree in describing persons who take unfair advantages.
    1. To deprive of a fleece, or natural covering of wool. 2. To strip of money or other property unjustly, especially by trickery or frand; to bring to straits by oppressions and exactions. Whilst pope and prince shared the wool betwixt them, the
    One who fleeces or strips unjustly, especially by trickery or fraund. Prynne.
    To lead astray as if blind; to persuade to something evil by deceptive arts or flattery; to entice; to insnare; to seduce; to wheedle. Yet have they many baits and guileful spells To inveigle and invite the un unwary sense. Milton. (more info)
    One who dissembles; one who conceals his opinions or dispositions under a false appearance; a hypocrite. It is the weakest sort of politicians that are the greatest dissemblers. Bacon. Priests, princes, women, no dissemblers here. Pope. Syn. --
    An old game resembling backgammon.
    1. The act of shuffling; a mixing confusedly; a slovenly, dragging motion. The unguided agitation and rude shuffles of matter. Bentley. 2. A trick; an artifice; an evasion. The gifts of nature are beyond all shame and shuffles. L'Estrange.
    The quality of being tricky.
    One who tricks; a deceiver; a tricker; a cheat.
    dis-) + F. sembler to seem, L. simulare to simulate; cf. L. 1. To hide under a false semblance or seeming; to feign not to be what it really is; to put an untrue appearance upon; to disguise; to mask. Dissemble all your griefs and discontents.
    1. A trick by sleight of hand. 2. An imposture; a deception. Tennyson. A juggle of state to cozen the people. Tillotson. 3. A block of timber cut to a length, either in the round or split. Knight.
    The act of defrauding; a taking by fraud. Sir T. Browne.
    Swindling; rougery. "Swindlery and blackguardism." Carlyle.
    To set free from the influence of guile; to undeceive. "Then unbeguile thyself." Donne.
    The whole number of cards played in one round, and consisting of as many cards as there are players. On one nice trick depends the general fate. Pope. (more info) draw; akin to LG. trekken, MHG. trecken, trechen, Dan. trække, and 1. An artifice
    An officer whose duty it is to observe what escheats have taken place, and to take charge of them. Burrill.
    An instrument used for smoothing the surface of a core. (more info) 1. An instrument to strike grain to a level with the measure; a strike. 2. An instrument for whetting scythes; a rifle.
    To cause to be no longer deceived; to free from deception, fraud, fallacy, or mistake. South.
    Given to tricks; tricky. Sir W. Scott.
    A gentle trot, like that of a dog.


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