Word Meanings - CRYSTALLINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database
1. Consisting, or made, of crystal. Mount, eagle, to my palace crystalline. Shak. 2. Formed by crystallization; like crystal in texture. Their crystalline structure. Whewell. 3. Imperfectly crystallized; as, granite is only crystalline,
Additional info about word: CRYSTALLINE
1. Consisting, or made, of crystal. Mount, eagle, to my palace crystalline. Shak. 2. Formed by crystallization; like crystal in texture. Their crystalline structure. Whewell. 3. Imperfectly crystallized; as, granite is only crystalline, while quartz crystal is perfectlly crystallized. 4. Fig.: Resembling crystal; pure; transparent; pellucid. "The crystalline sky." Milton. Crystalline heavens, or Crystalline spheres, in the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, two transparent spheres imagined to exist between the region of the fixed stars and the primum mobile (or outer circle of the heavens, which by its motion was supposed to carry round all those within it), in order to explain certain movements of the heavently bodies. -- Crystalline lens , the capsular lenslike body in the eye, serving to focus the rays of light. It consists of rodlike cells derived from the external embryonic epithelium.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of CRYSTALLINE)
- Glassy
- Vitreous
- smooth
- polished
- glacial
- glabrous
- brittle
- transparent
- crystalline
- pellucid
- limpid
- glossy
- silken
- Limpid
- Transparent
- translucent
- pure
- lucid
- clear
- Lucid
- Shining
- bright
- resplendent
- Incident
- luminous
- trans parent
- distinct
- intelligible
- rational
- perspicuous
- orderly
- lucent
- easily under
- stood
- Pellucid
- Translucent
- vitreous
- Relucent
- Bright
- shining
- gleaming
- glittering
- flashing
- lum nous
- radiant
- effulgent
Related words: (words related to CRYSTALLINE)
One who underdoes; a shirk. - PARENTHETIC; PARENTHETICAL
1. Of the nature of a parenthesis; pertaining to, or expressed in, or as in, a parenthesis; as, a parenthetical clause; a parenthetic remark. A parenthetical observation of Moses himself. Hales. 2. Using or containing parentheses. - UNDERBRED
Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith. - BRITTLELY
In a brittle manner. Sherwood. - UNDERSECRETARY
A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury. - SMOOTHEN
To make smooth. - UNDERPLOT
1. A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it. Dryden. 2. A clandestine scheme; a trick. Addison. - PARENTHESIS
One of the curved lines which inclose a parenthetic word or phrase. Note: Parenthesis, in technical grammar, is that part of a sentence which is inclosed within the recognized sign; but many phrases and sentences which are punctuated by commas - UNDERNICENESS
A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety. - UNDERDOLVEN
p. p. of Underdelve. - UNDERSOIL
The soil beneath the surface; understratum; subsoil. - SHINTIYAN; SHINTYAN
A kind of wide loose drawers or trousers worn by women in Mohammedan countries. - DISTINCTNESS
1. The quality or state of being distinct; a separation or difference that prevents confusion of parts or things. The soul's . . . distinctness from the body. Cudworth. 2. Nice discrimination; hence, clearness; precision; as, he stated - RATIONALIZATION
The act or process of rationalizing. - TRANSCEND
1. To climb; to mount. 2. To be transcendent; to excel. - UNDERNIME
1. To receive; to perceive. He the savor undernom Which that the roses and the lilies cast. Chaucer. 2. To reprove; to reprehend. Piers Plowman. - UNDERPROP
To prop from beneath; to put a prop under; to support; to uphold. Underprop the head that bears the crown. Fenton. - TRANSMUTATIONIST
One who believes in the transmutation of metals or of species. - PARENTATION
Something done or said in honor of the dead; obsequies. Abp. Potter. - UNDERCREST
To support as a crest; to bear. Shak. - SPILLET FISHING; SPILLIARD FISHING
A system or method of fishing by means of a number of hooks set on snoods all on one line; -- in North America, called trawl fishing, bultow, or bultow fishing, and long-line fishing. - DILUCIDATION
The act of making clear. Boyle. - BRIGHT
One who plunders or pillages.