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Word Meanings - CURIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Difficult to please or satisfy; solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; nice; exact. Little curious in her clothes. Fuller. How shall we, If he be curious, work upon his faith Bean & 2. Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed;

Additional info about word: CURIOUS

1. Difficult to please or satisfy; solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; nice; exact. Little curious in her clothes. Fuller. How shall we, If he be curious, work upon his faith Bean & 2. Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; wrought with elegance or skill. To devise curious works. Ex. xxxv. 32 His body couched in a curious bed. Shak. 3. Careful or anxious to learn; eager for knowledge; given to research or inquiry; habitually inquisitive; prying; -- sometimes with after or of. It is a picurious after things that were elegant and beatiful should not have been as curious as to their origin, their uses, and their natural history. Woodward. 4. Exciting attention or inquiry; awakening surprise; inviting and rewarding inquisitiveness; not simple or plain; strange; rare. "Acurious tale" Shak. A multitude of curious analogies. Mocaulay. Many a quaint and curiousvolume of forgotten lore. E. A. Poe. Abstruse investigations in recondite branches of learning or sciense often bring to light curious results. C. J. Smith. Curious arts, magic. Many . . . which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them. Acts xix. 19. Syn. -- Inquisitive; prying. See Inquisitive.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of CURIOUS)

Possible antonyms: (opposite words of CURIOUS)

Related words: (words related to CURIOUS)

    To make peculiar; to set appart or assign, as an exclusive possession. Dr. John Smith.
    In a consummate manner; completely. T. Warton.
    Having no example or similar case; being without precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled. "A revolution . . . unexampled for grandeur of results." De Quincey.
    A certain Oriental system of theosophy. A. P. Sinnett.
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. Syn. -- Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted. -- Un*com"mon*ly, adv. -- Un*com"mon*ness, n.
    The ratio of the distance between the center and the focus of an ellipse or hyperbola to its semi-transverse axis. (more info) 1. The state of being eccentric; deviation from the customary line of conduct; oddity.
    étonner, fr. L. ex out + tonare to thunder, but perhaps influenced by 1. To stun; to render senseless, as by a blow. The very cramp-fish . . . being herself not benumbed, is able to astonish others. Holland. 2. To strike with sudden
    In an inquisitive manner. The occasion that made him afterwards so inquisitively apply himself to the study of physic. Boyle.
    Hidden from the eye or the understanding; inviable; secret; concealed; unknown. It is of an occult kind, and is so insensible in its advances as to escape observation. I. Taylor. Occult line , a line drawn as a part of the construction of a figure
    Obscurity. Bp. Hall.
    Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only; as, a single-breasted coast.
    One who exhibits affectation. Fitzed. Hall.
    1. Existing only in imagination; fanciful; imaginary; not real; chimerical. 2. Having the nature of a phantom; unreal. Shak. 3. Indulging the vagaries of imagination; whimsical; full of absurd fancies; capricious; as, fantastic minds; a fantastic
    One who, or that which, obscures.
    In an eccentric manner. Drove eccentrically here and there. Lew Wallace.
    Very wonderful; of a nature to excite astonishment; as, an astonishing event. Syn. -- Amazing; surprising; wonderful; marvelous. As*ton"ish*ing*ly, adv. -- As*ton"ish*ing*ness, n.
    Rather queer; somewhat singular.
    Disease; morbid symptom; malady; as, a pulmonary affection. Dunglison. 7. The lively representation of any emotion. Wotton. 8. Affectation. "Spruce affection." Shak. 9. Passion; violent emotion. Most wretched man, That to affections
    1. Open to the view; obvious to the eye; easy to be seen; plainly visible; manifest; attracting the eye. It was a rock Of alabaster, piled up to the clouds, Conspicious far. Milton. Conspicious by her veil and hood, Signing the cross, the abbess
    A small ramus, or branch.
    A division of that which is individual. An individual can not branch itself into subindividuals. Milton.
    To affect or care for unduly. Milton.
    To dislike.
    1. A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or superficial, knowledge; personal knowledge gained by intercourse short of that of friendship or intimacy; as, I know the man; but have no acquaintance with him. Contract


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