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Word Meanings - DEIFY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To make a god of; to exalt to the rank of a deity; to enroll among the deities; to apotheosize; as, Julius Cæsar was deified. 2. To praise or revere as a deity; to treat as an object of supreme regard; as, to deify money. He did again to extol

Additional info about word: DEIFY

1. To make a god of; to exalt to the rank of a deity; to enroll among the deities; to apotheosize; as, Julius Cæsar was deified. 2. To praise or revere as a deity; to treat as an object of supreme regard; as, to deify money. He did again to extol and deify the pope. Bacon. 3. To render godlike. By our own spirits are we deified. Wordsworth.

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Related words: (words related to DEIFY)

    Entitled to worship, reverence, or high respect; claiming respect; worthy of honor; -- often used as a term of respect, sometimes ironically. "This is worshipful society." Shak. so dear and worshipful. Chaucer. -- Wor"ship*ful*ly, adv.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    adorare; ad + orare to speak, pray, os, oris, mouth. In OE. confused with honor, the French prefix a- being confused with OE. a, an, on. 1. To worship with profound reverence; to pay divine honors to; to honor as deity or as divine. Smollett. 2.
    1. To make an idol of; to pay idolatrous worship to; as, to idolize the sacred bull in Egypt. 2. To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero.
    In a reverential manner.
    Capable of being worshiped; worthy of worship. Carlyle.
    1. The state of being honorable; eminence; distinction. 2. Conformity to the principles of honor, probity, or moral rectitude; fairness; uprightness; reputableness.
    Exaltation. Barrow.
    Reverently. Foxe.
    The act of adoring; adoration. Sir T. Browne.
    1. Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration; reverence; veneration; manifestation of respect or reverence. A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country. Matt. xiii.
    1. Done as a sign or evidence of honor; as, honorary services. Macaulay. 2. Conferring honor, or intended merely to confer honor without emolument; as, an honorary degree. "Honorary arches." Addison. 3. Holding a title or place without rendering
    Exercising its highest influence; -- said of a planet. Chaucer.
    One who idolizes or loves to the point of reverence; an idolater.
    The refinement or subtilization of a body, or the increasing of its virtue or principal property. (more info) 1. The act of exalting or raising high; also, the state of being exalted; elevation. Wondering at my flight, and change To this
    One who regards with reverence. "Reverencers of crowned heads." Swift.
    Worthy of reverence; entitled to respect mingled with fear and affection; venerable. A reverend sire among them came. Milton. They must give good example and reverend deportment in the face of their children. Jer. Taylor. Note: This word is commonly
    Destitute of honor; not honored. Bp. Warburton.
    One who exalts or raises to dignity.
    Raised to lofty height; elevated; extolled; refined; dignified; sublime. Wiser far than Solomon, Of more exalted mind. Milton. Time never fails to bring every exalted reputation to a strict scrutiny. Ames. -- Ex*alt"ed*ly, adv. -- Ex*alt"ed*ness,
    Wrong or false worship; mistaken practices in religion. Bp. Hall. Such hideous jungle of misworships. Carlyle.
    Irreverent. Shak.
    To divest or deprive of deity or of a deific rank or condition. Feltham.
    The idolizing of one's self; immoderate self-conceit.
    Absence or lack of reverence; irreverence. Wyclif.
    To deprive of worship or due honor; to dishonor. Wyclif.
    To treat irreverently or with disrespect. Sir T. More.
    The nonpayment or nonacceptance of commercial paper by the party on whom it is drawn. Syn. -- Disgrace; ignominy; shame; censure; reproach; opprobrium. (more info) deshonur, F. déshonneur; pref. des- + honor, honur, F. 1. Lack of honor;
    Elevation above the common degree. Holyday.


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