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Word Meanings - DENOMINATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of naming or designating. 2. That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or

Additional info about word: DENOMINATION

1. The act of naming or designating. 2. That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or of thousands, or of fourths, or of shillings, or of tons. Those which are classed under the denomination of sublime. Burke. 3. A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a sect; as, a denomination of Christians. Syn. -- Name; appellation; title. See Name.

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    That part of a bridle or halter which encompasses the head. Shak.
    Not having a title or name; without legitimate title. "A titleless tyrant." Chaucer.
    A gallery, drift, or adit in a mine; also, the end of a drift or gallery; the vein above a drift. (more info) 1. The act or state of one who, or that which, heads; formation of a head. 2. That which stands at the head; title; as, the heading of
    A surname. (more info) 1. The last of the three names of a person among the ancient Romans, denoting his house or family.
    One who suggests. Beau. & Fl.
    Having or bearing a title.
    1. A cape; a promontory; a point of land projecting into the sea or other expanse of water. "Sow the headland with wheat." Shak. 2. A ridge or strip of unplowed at the ends of furrows, or near a fence. Tusser.
    1. To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects. Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection. Locke. 2. To propose with difference or modesty;
    1. Full of shade or shadows; causing shade or shadow. "Shadowy verdure." Fenton. This shadowy desert, unfrequented woods. Shak. 2. Hence, dark; obscure; gloomy; dim. "The shadowy past." Longfellow. 3. Not brightly luminous; faintly light. The moon
    1. The act of associating, or state of being associated; union; connection, whether of persons of things. "Some . . . bond of association." Hooker. Self-denial is a kind of holy association with God. Boyle. 2. Mental connection, or that which is
    A note at the head of a page or chapter; in law reports, an abstract of a case, showing the principles involved and the opinion of the court.
    A large truncated cone of refined sugar.
    One who explains the higher functions and relations of the soul by the association of ideas; e. g., Hartley, J. C. Mill.
    Derived from ancestors; as, a patronymic denomination.
    The sunfish .
    A small poniard; a stiletto. An instrument for examining wounds and fistulas, and for passing setons, and the like; a probe, -- called also specillum. A stiff wire, inserted in catheters or other tubular instruments to maintain their shape
    A woman who suggests. "The suggestress of suicides." De Quincey.
    Of or pertaining to union or unionists; tending to promote or preserve union.
    Information without oath; an entry of a material fact or circumstance on the record for the information of the court, at the death or insolvency of a party. (more info) 1. The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea. 2. That which is suggested;
    1. Not easily restrained; ungovernable; obstinate; stubborn. Not let headstrong boy my will control. Dryden. 2. Directed by ungovernable will, or proceeding from obstinacy. Dryden. Syn. -- Violent; obstinate; ungovernable; unratable; stubborn;
    To shadow or typi Dryden.
    Beastliness. Spenser.
    Having a head armed with thorns or spines. Thorn-headed worm , any worm of the order Acanthocephala; -- called also thornhead.
    1. The act of dallying, trifling, or fondling; interchange of caresses; wanton play. Look thou be true, do not give dalliance Too mnch the rein. Shak. O, the dalliance and the wit, The flattery and the strifeTennyson. 2. Delay or procrastination.
    An introductory performance, preceding and preparing for the principal matter; a preliminary part, movement, strain, etc.; especially , a strain introducing the theme or chief subject; a movement introductory to a fugue, yet independent; -- with
    Mutual communion; as, an intercommunion of deities. Faber.
    That part of a torsion balance from which the wire or filament is suspended.
    A foolish or dull-witted fellow.
    A contrivance for producing manifold copies of writing or drawing. The writing or drawing is done with a style carrying a small wheel at the end which makes minute punctures in the paper, thus converting it into a stencil. Copies are transferred
    A small black water insect. E. Phillips. Bullhead whiting , the kingfish of Florida . (more info) A fresh-water fish of many species, of the genus Uranidea, esp. U. gobio of Europe, and U. Richardsoni of the United States; -- called also miller's
    A renewed alliance.
    A dunce; a numskull; a blockhead. Beau. & Fl.
    A North Pacific salmon found from Northern California to Siberia; -- called also hardhead, and preesil.


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