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Word Meanings - DENOMINATIONAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to a denomination, especially to a sect or society. "Denominational differences." Buckle.

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    A narrow passage; esp., a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water; -- usually in the plural; as, The Narrows of New York harbor. Near the island lay on one side the jaws of a dangerous narrow. Gladstone.
    1. A part or portion. "The most party of the time." Chaucer. 2. A number of persons united in opinion or action, as distinguished from, or opposed to, the rest of a community or association; esp., one of the parts into which a people is divided
    In the manner of a bigot.
    So as to be divisional.
    Pertaining to a denomination, especially to a sect or society. "Denominational differences." Buckle.
    Of narrow mental scope; illiberal; mean. -- Nar"row-mind`ed*ness, n.
    Colored with different tints; variegated; as, a party-colored flower. "Parti-colored lambs." Shak.
    One who, or that which, narrows or contracts. Hannah More.
    Devotion to party.
    Quality of being exclusive.
    That divides; pas, a divisional line; a divisional general; a divisional surgeon of police. Divisional planes , planes of separation between rock masses. They include joints.
    1. Not enduring; not able to endure. The powers of human bodies being limited and intolerant of excesses. Arbuthnot. 2. Not tolerating difference of opinion or sentiment, especially in religious matters; refusing to allow others the enjoyment of
    1. With little breadth; in a narrow manner. 2. Without much extent; contractedly. 3. With minute scrutiny; closely; as, to look or watch narrowly; to search narrowly. 4. With a little margin or space; by a small distance; hence, closely; hardly;
    To imbue with sectarian feelings; to subject to the control of a sect.
    The quality or character of a sectarian; devotion to the interests of a party; excess of partisan or denominational zeal; adherence to a separate church organization.
    Obstinately and blindly attached to some creed, opinion practice, or ritual; unreasonably devoted to a system or party, and illiberal toward the opinions of others. "Bigoted to strife." Byron. Syn. -- Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.
    See N
    A denominational or class spirit or policy; devotion to the interests of a sect or denomination.
    Having a motley coat, or coat of divers colors. Shak.
    The condition or quality of being narrow.
    A division; a divided share. To make pourparty, to divide and apportion lands previously held in common.
    A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener. I am forced to eat all the game of your purparties, as well as my own thirds. Walpole.
    Occurring between or among, or common to, different denominations; as, interdenominational fellowship or belief.
    The political party formed, chiefly out of the Republican party, by the adherents of Theodore Roosevelt in the presidential campaign of 1912. The name Progressive party was chosen at the meeting held on Aug. 7, 1912, when the candidates
    A party formed in 1891, advocating in an increase of the currency, public ownership and operation of railroads, telegraphs, etc., an income tax, limitation in ownership of land, etc.
    the Normans in France. Of unknown origin; possibly akin to Sp. bigote a whisker; hombre de bigote a man of spirit and vigor; cf. It. s- bigottire to terrify, to appall. Wedgwood and others maintain that 1. A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious


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