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Word Meanings - DENSE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog. All sorts of bodies, firm and fluid, dense and rare. Ray.

Additional info about word: DENSE

1. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog. All sorts of bodies, firm and fluid, dense and rare. Ray. To replace the cloudy barrier dense. Cowper. 2. Stupid; gross; crass; as, dense ignorance.

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Related words: (words related to DENSE)

    slavish, rude, ignorant; akin to L. balbus stammering, Skr. barbara 1. Being in the state of a barbarian; uncivilized; rude; peopled with barbarians; as, a barbarous people; a barbarous country. 2. Foreign; adapted to a barbaric taste. Barbarous
    To stuff; to lard; to farce. Wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit. Shak.
    The quality or state of being inhuman; cruelty; barbarity. Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn. Burns.
    1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. "I have reserved to myself nothing." Shak. 2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain. Gen.
    Warehouse for storing goods.
    A small piece of money. Shak.
    One who exacts or demands by authority or right; hence, an extortioner; also, one unreasonably severe in injunctions or demands. Jer. Taylor.
    Not explicable; not explainable; incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for; as, an inexplicable mystery. "An inexplicable scratching." Cowper. Their reason is disturbed; their views become vast and perplexed, to others
    The quality of being impenetrable; impenetrability.
    One who bears a pack; a peddler.
    grow together; con- + crescere to grow; cf. F. concret. See 1. United in growth; hence, formed by coalition of separate particles into one mass; united in a solid form. The first concrete state, or consistent surface, of the chaos must be of the
    Oppressive or unreasonably severe in making demands or requiring the exact fulfillment of obligations; harsh; severe. "A temper so exacting." T. Arnold -- Ex*act"ing*ly, adv. -- Ex*act"ing*ness, n.
    Tending to limit.
    Involving a limit; as, a limitive law, one designed to limit existing powers.
  • PACK
    To envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings. See Pack, n., 5. (more info) 1. To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and arrange compactly as in a pack; to press into close order or
    Capable of being limited.
    To separate from the blood and elaborate by the process of secretion; to elaborate and emit as a secretion. See Secretion. Why one set of cells should secrete bile, another urea, and so on, we do not known. Carpenter. Syn. -- To conceal; hide. See
    See PAXWAX
    Destitute of mercy; cruel; unsparing; -- said of animate beings, and also, figuratively, of things; as, a merciless tyrant; merciless waves. The foe is merciless, and will not pity. Shak. Syn. -- Cruel; unmerciful; remorseless; ruthless; pitiless;
    1. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog. All sorts of bodies, firm and fluid, dense and rare. Ray.
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately. R. A. Proctor.
    1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. 2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. "Nothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities." Hooker. 3. Unconfined; not
    1. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one's eyes. 2. To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
    To inclose. See Inclose.
    A screen separating a chapel from the body of the church. Hook.
    Not exact; not precisely correct or true; inaccurate.


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