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Word Meanings - DISHONORABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base. 2. Wanting in honor or esteem; disesteemed. He that is dishonorable in riches, how much more

Additional info about word: DISHONORABLE

1. Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base. 2. Wanting in honor or esteem; disesteemed. He that is dishonorable in riches, how much more in poverty! Ecclus. x. 31. To find ourselves dishonorable graves. Shak. -- Dis*hon"or*a*ble*ness, n. -- Dis*hon"or*a*bly, adv.

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Possible antonyms: (opposite words of DISHONORABLE)

Related words: (words related to DISHONORABLE)

    The quality or state of being sordid.
    A bar, connected with a switch, longer than the distance between any two consecutive wheels of a train , laid inside a rail and operated by the wheels so that the switch cannot be thrown until all the train is past the switch.
    The state or quality of being infamous; infamy.
    1. To make pure or clear from material defilement, admixture, or imperfection; to free from extraneous or noxious matter; as, to purify liquors or metals; to purify the blood; to purify the air. 2. Hence, in figurative uses: To free from guilt
    The state of being false; contrariety to the fact; inaccuracy; want of integrity or uprightness; double dealing; unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; as, the falseness of a report, a drawing, or a singer's notes; the falseness of a man, or of his
    In a correct manner; exactly; acurately; without fault or error.
    One who exposes or discloses.
    One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption. Sydney Smith.
    At a small price; at a low value; in a common or inferior manner.
    1. Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay. "Our corruptible bodies." Hooker. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold. 1 Pet. i. 18. 2. Capable of being corrupted, or morally vitiated; susceptible of depravation.
    1. One of the common people; one having no rank of nobility. All below them even their children, were commoners, and in the eye law equal to each other. Hallam. 2. A member of the House of Commons. 3. One who has a joint right in common ground.
    1. In a manner to give offense; shamefully. His discourse at table was scandalously unbecoming the digmity of his station. Swift. 2. With a disposition to impute immorality or wrong. Shun their fault, who, scandalously nice, Will needs mistake
    1. In the condition of, or like, a beggar; suitable for a beggar; extremely indigent; poverty-stricken; mean; poor; contemptible. "A bankrupt, beggarly fellow." South. "A beggarly fellowship." Swift. "Beggarly elements." Gal. iv. 9. 2. Produced
    Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift. Syn. -- Contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; pitiful; paltry; sordid; low; base. See Contemptible.
    One who disesteems. Boyle.
    Hypocritical. Shak.
    1. Not believing; not giving credit. Be not faithless, but believing. John xx. 27. 2. Not believing on God or religion; specifically, not believing in the Christian religion. Shak. 3. Not observant of promises or covenants. 4. Not true
    Containing or making correction; corrective.
    State or quality of being ignoble.
    Somewhat common; commonplace; vulgar.
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. Syn. -- Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted. -- Un*com"mon*ly, adv. -- Un*com"mon*ness, n.
    A student at Cambridge University, England, who commons, or dines, at the Fellow's table.
    To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. (more info) 1. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. Bacon.
    1. Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. The piece, you think, is incorrect. Pope. 2. Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation. 3. Not
    Without a thumb. Darwin.
    Incorruptible. "The glory of the uncorruptible God." Rom. i.


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