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Word Meanings - DOTING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That dotes; silly; excessively fond. -- Dot"ing*ly, adv. -- Dot"ing*ness, n.

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    An umbelliferous plant , sometimes used in medicine as an aromatic stimulant. (more info) indigenous to Liguria, lovage, from Ligusticus Ligustine, Ligurian,
    1. Affectionate. The fairest and most loving wife in Greece. Tennyson. 2. Expressing love or kindness; as, loving words.
    1. The act of endowing, or bestowing a marriage portion on a woman. 2. Endowment; establishment of funds for support, as of a hospital or eleemosynary corporation. Blackstone.
    As lovers do. As they sat down here loverwise. W. D. Howells.
    A caul. See Caul, n., 3.
    Foolish; weak; imbecile. Sir W. Scott.
    In a devotional manner; toward devotion.
    In manner to excite love; amiably. Otway.
    Destitute of strength, whether of body or mind; feeble; impotent; esp., mentally wea; feeble-minded; as, hospitals for the imbecile and insane. Syn. -- Weak; feeble; feeble-minded; idiotic.
    A long lock of hair hanging prominently by itself; an earlock; -- worn by men of fashion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Burton. A long lovelock and long hair he wore. Sir W. Scott.
    The state of being love-sick.
    To inflame with love; to charm; to captivate; -- with of, or with, before the person or thing; as, to be enamored with a lady; to be enamored of books or science. Passionately enamored of this shadow of a dream. W. Irving.
    A devotee. Dr. J. Scott.
    A dotard. Shak.
    An old, decayed tree. Bacon.
    1. To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames. No devoted thing that a man shall devote unto the Lord
    Having qualities that excite, or are fitted to excite, love; worthy of love. Elaine the fair, Elaine the lovable, Elaine, the lily maid of Astolat. Tennyson.
    Disposed; inclined. Affectionated to the people. Holinshed.
    1. Languishing with love or amorous desire; as, a love-sick maid. To the dear mistress of my love-sick mind. Dryden. 2. Originating in, or expressive of, languishing love. Where nightingales their love-sick ditty sing. Dryden.
    1. Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond; as, an affectionate brother. 2. Kindly inclined; zealous. Johson. Man, in his love God, and desire to please him, can never be too affectionate. Sprat. 3. Proceeding from affection; indicating
    Not devoted. Bentley. Clarendon.
    The love of one's self; desire of personal happiness; tendency to seek one's own benefit or advantage. Shak. Self-love, the spring of motion, acts the soul. Pope. Syn. -- Selfishness. -- Self-love, Selfishness. The term self-love is used
    Of or pertaining to priests, or to the order of priests; relating to the priesthood; priesty; as, sacerdotal dignity; sacerdotal functions. The ascendency of the sacerdotal order was long the ascendency which naturally and properly belongs
    The inner lining of an another cell.
    from Cleave, v. t. To show the cloven foot or hoof, to reveal a devilish character, or betray an evil purpose, notwithstanding disguises, -- Satan being represented dramatically and symbolically as having cloven hoofs.
    The system, style, spirit, or character, of a priesthood, or sacerdotal order; devotion to the interests of the sacerdotal order.
    imp. of Cleave. Cleft. Spenser. Clove hitch See under Hitch. -- Clove hook , an iron two-part hook, with jaws overlapping, used in bending chain sheets to the clews of sails; -- called also clip hook. Knight.
    Of or pertaining to the Craspedota.
    The act of devoting one's self, or the state of being self- devoted; willingness to sacrifice one's own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.
    The quality or state of being slovenly.
    To cause to dote; to deceive. Chaucer.


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