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Word Meanings - EMBASSY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G. amt office, OHG. ambaht. Cf. 1. The public function of an ambassador;

Additional info about word: EMBASSY

ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G. amt office, OHG. ambaht. Cf. 1. The public function of an ambassador; the charge or business intrusted to an ambassador or to envoys; a public message to; foreign court concerning state affairs; hence, any solemn message. He sends the angels on embassies with his decrees. Jer. Taylor. 2. The person or persons sent as ambassadors or envoys; the ambassador and his suite; envoys. 3. The residence or office of an ambassador. Note: Sometimes, but rarely, spelled ambassy.

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    1. The act or process of negotiating; a treating with another respecting sale or purchase. etc. 2. Hence, mercantile business; trading. Who had lost, with these prizes, forty thousand pounds, after twenty years' negotiation in the East Indies.
    ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G. amt office, OHG. ambaht. Cf. 1. The public function of an ambassador;
    Implying representation; representative.
    The state, office, or functions of an ambassador.
    1. The act of representing, in any sense of the verb. 2. That which represents. Specifically: A likeness, a picture, or a model; as, a representation of the human face, or figure, and the like. A dramatic performance; as, a theatrical
    The office of a minister. Swift.
    1. The act or art of managing; the manner of treating, directing, carrying on, or using, for a purpose; conduct; administration; guidance; control; as, the management of a family or of a farm; the management of state affairs. "The management of
    1. The act or faculty of contriving, inventing, devising, or planning. The machine which we are inspecting demonstrates, by its construction, contrivance and design. Contrivance must have had a contriver. Paley. 2. The thing contrived, invented,
    The act of prevailing over another by arts, address, or fraud; deception; fraud; imposture; delusion. A school in which he learns sly circumvention. Cowper.
    1. The art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations , including the methods and forms usually employed. 2. Dexterity or skill in securing advantages; tact. 3. The body of ministers or envoys resident at a court; the diplomatic body.
    1. The act of ministering; ministration; service. "With tender ministry." Thomson. 2. Hence: Agency; instrumentality. The ordinary ministry of second causes. Atterbury. The wicked ministry of arms. Dryden. 3. The office, duties, or functions of
    Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.
    Untrue representation; false or incorrect statement or account; -- usually unfavorable to the thing represented; as, a misrepresentation of a person's motives. Sydney Smith. Note: In popular use, this word often conveys the idea of intentional
    A subordinate or inferior ministry. Jer. Taylor.


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