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Word Meanings - EXCUSABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That may be excused, forgiven, justified, or acquitted of blame; pardonable; as, the man is excusable; an excusable action. -- Ex*cus"a*ble*ness, n. -- Ex*cus"a*bly, adv. The excusableness of my dissatisfaction. Boyle.

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    imp. & p. p. of Unbind.
    Having no bound or limit; as, unbounded space; an, unbounded ambition. Addison. -- Un*bound"ed*ly, adv. -- Un*bound"ed*ness, n.
    The quality or state of being venial; venialness. Jer. Taylor.
    Capable of being remitted or forgiven. Feltham.
    Having the character of, or pertaining to, a despot; absolute in power; possessing and abusing unlimited power; evincing despotism; tyrannical; arbitrary. -- Des*pot"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Des*pot"ic*al*ness, n.
    To free from incumbrance; to disencumber.
    1. Nor responsible; not liable or able to answer fro consequences; innocent. 2. Not to be trusted; unreliable.
    The quality or state of being pardonable; as, the pardonableness of sin. Bp. Hall.
    Capable of being justified, or shown to be just. Just are the ways of God, An justifiable to men. Milton. Syn. -- Defensible; vindicable; warrantable; excusable; exculpable; authorizable. -- Jus"ti*fi`a*ble*ness, n. -- Jus"ti*fi`a*bly, adv.
    That may be excused, forgiven, justified, or acquitted of blame; pardonable; as, the man is excusable; an excusable action. -- Ex*cus"a*ble*ness, n. -- Ex*cus"a*bly, adv. The excusableness of my dissatisfaction. Boyle.
    forgiveness, pardon, grace, favor, kindness; akin to venerari to 1. Capable of being forgiven; not heinous; excusable; pardonable; as, a venial fault or transgression. So they do nothing, 't is a venial slip. Shak. 2. Allowed; permitted.
    1. Contrary to, or unauthorized by, law; illegal; as, a lawless claim. He needs no indirect nor lawless course. Shak. 2. Not subject to, or restrained by, the law of morality or of society; as, lawless men or behavior. 3. Not subject to the laws
    1. Not accountable or responsible; free from control. South. 2. Not to be accounted for; inexplicable; not consonant with reason or rule; strange; mysterious. -- Un`ac*count"a*ble*ness}, n. -- Un`ac*count"a*bly, adv.
    Infinitely. I am . . . unboundably beholding to you. J. Webster .
    Admitting of pardon; not requiring the excution of penalty; venial; excusable; -- applied to the offense or to the offender; as, a pardonable fault, or culprit.
    1. Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment. It was wholly arbitrary in them to do so. Jer. Taylor. Rank pretends to fix the value of every one, and is the most arbitrary
    Not excusable; not admitting excuse or justification; as, inexcusable folly. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same
    Inexcusable. Hayward. -- Un`ex*cus"a*ble*ness, n.
    Not admitting of pardon or forgiveness; inexcusable.
    Unpardonable. South.
    The quality of being inexcusable; enormity forgiveness. South.
    Destitute of claws.
    Free from flaws. Boyle.
    Not remissible; unpardonable; as, irremissible crimes. Burke. -- Ir`re*mis"si*ble, n. -- Ir`re*mis"si*bly, adv.


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