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Word Meanings - EXEMPLARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Serving as a pattern; deserving to be proposed for imitation; commendable; as, an exemplary person; exemplary conduct. lives and doctrines ought to be exemplary. Bacon. 2. Serving as a warning; monitory; as, exemplary justice, punishment, or

Additional info about word: EXEMPLARY

1. Serving as a pattern; deserving to be proposed for imitation; commendable; as, an exemplary person; exemplary conduct. lives and doctrines ought to be exemplary. Bacon. 2. Serving as a warning; monitory; as, exemplary justice, punishment, or damages. 3. Illustrating as the proof of a thing. Fuller. Exemplary damages. See under Damage.

Related words: (words related to EXEMPLARY)

    a & n. from Serve. Serving board , a flat piece of wood used in serving ropes. -- Serving maid, a female servant; a maidservant. -- Serving mallet , a wooden instrument shaped like a mallet, used in serving ropes. -- Serving man, a male servant,
    The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked; formerly, the flesh of a pig salted or fresh. Bacon beetle , a beetle which, especially in the larval state, feeds upon bacon, woolens, furs, etc. See Dermestes. -- To save one's bacon, to save one's
    Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baconian method, the inductive method. See Induction.
    The body of persons employed in some public service, as the army, navy, etc.; -- distinguished from matériel.
    A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as animated, or endowed with personality; prosopopas, the floods clap their hands. "Confusion heards his voice." Milton. (more info) 1. The act of personifying;
    A relay apparatus; specif.: An auxiliary motor, regulated by a hand lever, for quickly and easily moving the reversing gear of a large marine engine into any desired position indicated by that of the hand lever, which controls the valve
    In a servile manner; slavishly.
    Giving admonition; instructing by way of caution; warning. Losses, miscarriages, and disappointments, are monitory and instructive. L'Estrange.
    1. One who proposes or offers anything for consideration or adoption. 2. A speaker; an orator. Shak.
    See AUGHT
    1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John
    Quality of being servile; servility.
    Capable of being preserved. (more info) 1. Capable of being served. 2. Etym:
    A full-sized model around which a mold of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mold without injuring it. Pattern box, chain, or cylinder , devices, in a loom, for
    To personify. Milton has personized them. J. Richardson.
    The office, rank, or condition of a servitor. Boswell.
    1. One who serves. 2. A tray for dishes; a salver. Randolph.
    To celebrate loudly; to extol; to praise. In fable, hymn, or song so personating Their gods ridiculous. Milton.
    One who personates. "The personators of these actions." B. Jonson.
    To fail to serve; to do injury or mischief to; to damage; to hurt; to harm. Have neither served nor disserved the interests of any party. Jer. Taylor. (more info) Etym:
    1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. "I have reserved to myself nothing." Shak. 2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain. Gen.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    imp. of Reach.
    1. A flexure; a bend; a twist; a turn; a coil, as in a rope; as the boughts of a serpent. Spenser. The boughts of the fore legs. Sir T. Browne. 2. The part of a sling that contains the stone.
    Tending to conserve; preservative.
    1. Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. If this people resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty and injustice.
    1. Wrought with fine art or skill; elaborate. Pope. 2. Worked up, or swollen, to a high degree; as, a highwrought passion. "A high-wrought flood." Shak.
    1. A British battleship, completed in 1906 -- 1907, having an armament consisting of ten 12-inch guns, and of twenty-four 12-pound quick-fire guns for protection against torpedo boats. This was the first battleship of the type characterized by
    To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing. Locke.
    The quality or state of being subservient; instrumental fitness or use; hence, willingness to serve another's purposes; in a derogatory sense, servility. The body wherein appears much fitness, use, and subserviency to infinite functions. Bentley.
    To be of use to an end; to serve.


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