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Word Meanings - DESERVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John

Additional info about word: DESERVE

1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John Gay deserved to be a favorite. Thackeray. Encouragement is not held out to things that deserve reprehension. Burke. 2. To serve; to treat; to benefit. A man that hath So well deserved me. Massinger.

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Related words: (words related to DESERVE)

    1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John
    To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own; as, to acquire a title, riches, knowledge, skill, good or bad habits. No virtue is acquired in an instant, but step by step. Barrow. Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of
    Capable of being obtained.
    Etym: 1. To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into the actual; to bring into concrete existence; to accomplish; as, to realize a scheme or project. We realize what Archimedes had only in hypothesis, weighting a single grain
    + OF. chief, F. chef, end, head, fr. L. caput head. See 1. To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; -- as, to achieve a feat, an exploit, an enterprise. Supposing faculties and powers to be the
    According to desert ; justly.
    A play of children, in swinging on ropes, or the like, till they are dizzy.
    An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment. Cussans. (more info) 1. The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as,
    Deserving of reward.
    One who depends on merit for salvation. Milner.
    A person who acquires.
    By merit; deservedly.
    The act of acquiring, or that which is acquired; attainment. "Rules for the acquirement of a taste." Addison. His acquirements by industry were . . . enriched and enlarged by many excellent endowments of nature. Hayward. Syn. -- Acquisition,
    Possessing merit; deserving of reward or honor; worthy of recompense; valuable. And meritorious shall that hand be called, Canonized, and worshiped as a saint. Shak. -- Mer`i*to"ri*ous*ly, adv. -- Mer`i*to"ri*ous*ness, n.
    The act or process of obtaining; attainment. Milton.
    1. To become held; to gain or have a firm footing; to be recognized or established; to subsist; to become prevalent or general; to prevail; as, the custom obtains of going to the seashore in summer. Sobriety hath by use obtained to signify
    One who obtains.
    Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war. Syn. -- Rashness; precipitancy; heedlessness; venturesomeness. -- Temerity, Rashness. These words are closely allied in sense, but have a
    Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church. (more info) emerere, emereri, to obtain by service, serve out one's
    deserve, merit; prob. originally, to get a share; akin to Gr. Market, 1. The quality or state of deserving well or ill; desert. Here may men see how sin hath his merit. Chaucer. Be it known, that we, the greatest, are misthought For things that
    That may be reobtained.
    To obtain again.
    One of no merit; one who is nor deserving or worthy. Shak.
    1. To oblige; to confer a favor on. Bp. Hall. 2. To deserve; to procure by merit. Davenant.
    Excessive merit. Bacon.


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