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Word Meanings - TEMERITY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war. Syn. -- Rashness; precipitancy; heedlessness; venturesomeness. -- Temerity, Rashness. These words are closely allied in sense, but have a

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Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war. Syn. -- Rashness; precipitancy; heedlessness; venturesomeness. -- Temerity, Rashness. These words are closely allied in sense, but have a slight difference in their use and application. Temerity is Latin, and rashness is Anglo-Saxon. As in many such cases, the Latin term is more select and dignified; the Anglo-Saxon more familiar and energetic. We show temerity in hasty decisions, and the conduct to which they lead. We show rashness in particular actions, as dictated by sudden impulse. It is an exhibition of temerity to approach the verge of a precipice; it is an act of rashness to jump into a river without being able to swim. Temerity, then, is an unreasonable contempt of danger; rashness is a rushing into danger from thoughtlessness or excited feeling. It is notorious temerity to pass sentence upon grounds uncapable of evidence. Barrow. Her rush hand in evil hour Forth reaching to the fruit, she plucked, she eat. Milton.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of TEMERITY)

Related words: (words related to TEMERITY)

    Boldness, united with firmness and constancy of mind; bravery; intrepidity; also, audaciousness; impudence. A bound of graceful hardihood. Wordsworth. It is the society of numbers which gives hardihood to iniquity. Buckminster. Syn. -- Intrepidity;
    Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war. Syn. -- Rashness; precipitancy; heedlessness; venturesomeness. -- Temerity, Rashness. These words are closely allied in sense, but have a
    The quality of state of being rash. We offend . . . by rashness, which is an affirming or denying, before we have sufficiently informed ourselves. South. Syn. -- Temerity; foolhardiness; precipitancy; precipitation; hastiness; indiscretion;
    1. Daring spirit, resolution, or confidence; venturesomeness. The freedom and audacity necessary in the commerce of men. Tatler. 2. Reckless daring; presumptuous impudence; -- implying a contempt of law or moral restraints. With the most arrogant
    The quality or state of being hasty; haste; precipitation; rashness; quickness of temper.
    The act or process from a solution. (more info) 1. The act of precipitating, or the state of being precipitated, or thrown headlong. In peril of precipitation From off rock Tarpeian. Shak. 2. A falling, flowing, or rushing downward with violence
    The state or quality of being bold. Syn. -- Courage; bravery; intrepidity; dauntlessness; hardihood; assurance.
    1. The quality or state of being indiscreet; want of discretion; imprudence. 2. An indiscreet act; indiscreet behavior. Past indiscretion is a venial crime. Cowper.
    The quality or state of being precipitant, or precipitate; headlong hurry; excessive or rash haste in resolving, forming an opinion, or executing a purpose; precipitation; as, the precipitancy of youth. "Precipitance of judgment." I. Watts.
    The state of being foolhardy; foolhardiness.


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