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Word Meanings - ACHIEVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

+ OF. chief, F. chef, end, head, fr. L. caput head. See 1. To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; -- as, to achieve a feat, an exploit, an enterprise. Supposing faculties and powers to be the

Additional info about word: ACHIEVE

+ OF. chief, F. chef, end, head, fr. L. caput head. See 1. To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; -- as, to achieve a feat, an exploit, an enterprise. Supposing faculties and powers to be the same, far more may be achieved in any line by the aid of a capital, invigorating motive than without it. I. Taylor. 2. To obtain, or gain, as the result of exertion; to succeed in gaining; to win. Some are born great, some achieve greatness. Shak. Thou hast achieved our liberty. Milton. Show all the spoils by valiant kings achieved. Prior. He hath achieved a maid That paragons description. Shak. 3. To finish; to kill. Shak. Syn. -- To accomplish; effect; fulfill; complete; execute; perform; realize; obtain. See Accomplish.

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Related words: (words related to ACHIEVE)

    Giving dismission.
    In a consummate manner; completely. T. Warton.
    In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon.
    One who deranges.
    Deduction from premises; inference; conclusion. Sir M. Hale.
    The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity. Syn. -- Disorder; confusion; embarrassment; irregularity; disturbance; insanity;
    To inclose. See Inclose.
    1. To practice deceit. Barrow. 2. To struggle against in vain; as, a ship baffles with the winds.
    One who circumvents; one who gains his purpose by cunning.
    Dismission; discharge. Officeholders were commanded faithfully to enforce it, upon pain of immediate dismissal. Motley.
    One who manages ill.
    One who exposes or discloses.
    1. One who finishes, puts an end to, completes, or perfects; esp. used in the trades, as in hatting, weaving, etc., for the workman who gives a finishing touch to the work, or any part of it, and brings it to perfection. O prophet of glad tidings,
    Hermaphrodite; having both stamens and pistils; -- said of flower. Perfect cadence , a complete and satisfactory close in harmony, as upon the tonic preceded by the dominant. -- Perfect chord , a concord or union of sounds which is perfectly
    To become widely opened, spread apart, dilated, distended, or enlarged; as, flowers expand in the spring; metals expand by heat; the heart expands with joy. Dryden.
    1. The state or office of a master. 2. Mastery; dominion; superior skill; superiority. Where noble youths for mastership should strive. Driden. 3. Chief work; masterpiece. Dryden. 4. An ironical title of respect. How now, seignior Launce ! what
    Disordered; especially, disordered in mind; crazy; insane. The story of a poor deranged parish lad. Lamb.
    1. Completed; effected; established; as, an accomplished fact. 2. Complete in acquirements as the result usually of training; -- commonly in a good sense; as, an accomplished scholar, an accomplished villain. They . . . show themselves accomplished
    1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John
    To surpass in preaching. And for a villain's quick conversion A pillory can outpreach a parson. Trumbull.
    Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery.
    One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    Shaped like a diamond or rhombus.
    Shaped like a strap; ligulate; as, a strap-shaped corolla.
    To advance or gain upon; -- said of a vessel that gains upon another when sailing closehauled.
    Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war. Syn. -- Rashness; precipitancy; heedlessness; venturesomeness. -- Temerity, Rashness. These words are closely allied in sense, but have a
    Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church. (more info) emerere, emereri, to obtain by service, serve out one's
    atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get


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