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Word Meanings - FARSIGHTEDNESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Hypermetropia. (more info) 1. Quality of bbeing farsighted.

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    The final award; the last sentence. Note: Judgment, abridgment, acknowledgment, and lodgment are in England sometimes written, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, and lodgement. Note: Judgment is used adjectively in many self-explaining
    1. The act of discerning. 2. The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness;
    A railway passenger car made so as to facilitate seeing the scenery en route; a car open, or with glass sides, or with a kind of open balcony at the rear.
    Of a pertaining to observation; consisting of, or containing, observations. Chalmers.
    Hypermetropia. (more info) 1. Quality of bbeing farsighted.
    The arbitrary imposition of unequal tariffs for substantially the same service. A difference in rates, not based upon any corresponding difference in cost, constitutes a case of discrimination. A. T. Hadley. 4. The quality of being discriminating;
    The quality of being sagacious; quickness or acuteness of sense perceptions; keenness of discernment or penetration with soundness of judgment; shrewdness. Some show that nice sagacity of smell. Cowper. Natural sagacity improved by generous
    1. The act or the faculty of observing or taking notice; the act of seeing, or of fixing the mind upon, anything. My observation, which very seldom lies. Shak. 2. The result of an act, or of acts, of observing; view; reflection; conclusion;
    1. The act or process of penetrating, piercing, or entering; also, the act of mentally penetrating into, or comprehending, anything difficult. And to each in ward part, With gentle penetration, though unseen, Shoots invisible virtue even to the
    The act of prejudging; decision before sufficient examination.
    Neglect or want of observation.
    The act of penetrating between or within other substances; mutual penetration. Milman.
    A wrong or unjust judgment.
    Want of discrimination or distinction; impartiality. Jefferson.
    Prejudgment. Spenser.
    Erroneous observation. J. S Mill.
    The act of adjudging; judicial decision; adjudication. Sir W. Temple.


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