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Word Meanings - FINGER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

G. finger, Icel. fingr, Sw. & Dan. finger, Goth. figgrs; of unknown 1. One of the five terminating members of the hand; a digit; esp., one of the four extermities of the hand, other than the thumb. 2. Anything that does work of a finger; as, the

Additional info about word: FINGER

G. finger, Icel. fingr, Sw. & Dan. finger, Goth. figgrs; of unknown 1. One of the five terminating members of the hand; a digit; esp., one of the four extermities of the hand, other than the thumb. 2. Anything that does work of a finger; as, the pointer of a clock, watch, or other registering machine; especially a small projecting rod, wire, or piece, which is brought into contact with an object to effect, direct, or restrain a motion. 3. The breadth of a finger, or the fourth part of the hand; a measure of nearly an inch; also, the length of finger, a measure in domestic use in the United States, of about four and a half inches or one eighth of a yard. A piece of steel three fingers thick. Bp. Wilkins. 4. Skill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument. She has a good finger. Busby. Ear finger, the little finger. -- Finger alphabet. See Dactylology. -- Finger bar, the horizontal bar, carrying slotted spikes, or fingers, through which the vibratory knives of mowing and reaping machines play. -- Finger board , the part of a stringed instrument against which the fingers press the strings to vary the tone; the keyboard of a piano, organ, etc.; manual. -- Finger bowl or glass, a bowl or glass to hold water for rinsing the fingers at table. -- Finger flower , the foxglove. -- Finger grass , a kind of grass with slender radiating spikes; common crab grass. See Crab grass, under Crab. -- Finger nut, a fly nut or thumb nut. -- Finger plate, a strip of metal, glass, etc., to protect a painted or polished door from finger marks. -- Finger post, a guide post bearing an index finger. -- Finger reading, reading printed in relief so as to be sensible to the touch; -- so made for the blind. -- Finger shell , a marine shell resembling a finger in form. -- Finger sponge , a sponge having finger-shaped lobes, or branches. -- Finger stall, a cover or shield for a finger. -- Finger steel, a steel instrument for whetting a currier's knife. To burn one's fingers. See under Burn. -- To have a finger in, to be concerned in. -- To have at one's fingers' ends, to be thoroughly familiar with.

Related words: (words related to FINGER)

    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    Of or performance to the fingers, or to digits; done with the fingers; as, digital compression; digital examination.
    Without a thumb. Darwin.
    An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
    1. To be limited in space by a point, line, or surface; to stop short; to end; to cease; as, the torrid zone terminates at the tropics. 2. To come to a limit in time; to end; to close. The wisdom of this world, its designs and efficacy, terminate
    Any one of several extracts of foxglove , as the "French extract," the "German extract," etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties. A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts.
    One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
    To finger; as, to digitize a pen. Sir T. Browne. computers to convert into a form expressible in binary notation
    The dividing line between the illuminated and the unilluminated part of the moon. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, terminates.
    Of or pertaining to termination; forming a termination.
    andar, Icel. annarr, Sw. annan, Dan. anden, Goth. an, Skr. antara: cf. L. alter; all orig. comparatives: cf. Skr. anya other. sq. 1. Different from that which, or the one who, has been specified; not the same; not identical; additional; second
    Having leaflets like fingers; digitate. (more info) 1. Having fingers.
    To point out as with the finger. Robinson .
    The ending of a word; a final syllable or letter; the part added to a stem in inflection. (more info) 1. The act of terminating, or of limiting or setting bounds; the act of ending or concluding; as, a voluntary termination of hostilities. 2. That
    1. The state of being a member. 2. The collective body of members, as of a society.
    The quality or state of being other or different; alterity; oppositeness.
    Tending or serving to terminate; terminating; determining; definitive. Bp. Rust. -- Ter"mi*na*tive*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    A young salmon. See Parr.
    1. Having thumbs. 2. Soiled by handling.
    1. The act or process of handling or touching with the fingers. The mere sight and fingering of money. Grew. 2. The manner of using the fingers in playing or striking the keys of an instrument of music; movement or management of the fingers in
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    One who has six fingers on a hand, or six toes on a foot.
    The act of pointing out as with the finger; indication. Dr. H. More.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Interminable; interminate; endless; unending. Akenside.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    Relating to equality of temperature. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. Isothermal line. An isotherm. A line drawn on a diagram
    The eelpout.
    Of or pertaining to an isothermobath; possessing or indicating equal temperatures in a vertical section, as of the ocean.
    The hard pearly internal layer of several kinds of shells, esp. of pearl oysters, river mussels, and the abalone shells; nacre. See Pearl.
    A day appointed for the honor and uplift of motherhood by the loving remembrance of each person of his mother through the performance of some act of kindness, visit, tribute, or letter. The founder of the day is Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, who
    The wife of one's father by a subsequent marriage.
    Separated by bounds. Bp. Hall.


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