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Word Meanings - GROWL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound. Gay.

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    The large-mouthed black bass. 3. A four-wheeled cab. (more info) 1. One who growls.
    To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound. Gay.
    To utter a plaintive cry, as some animals; to mean with a childish noise; to complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, or the like, in a plaintive, nasal tone; hence, to complain or to beg in a mean, unmanly way; to moan basely. "Whining plovers."
    In a growling manner.
    1. To give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing; to utter a groan, as in pain, in sorrow, or in derision; to moan. For we . . . do groan, being burdened. 2 Cor. v. 4. He heard the groaning of the oak. Sir W. Scott. 2. To strive after earnestly,
    One who grumbles.
    One who, or that which, whines.
    Agonizing; sad. Spenser.
    grommeler, of German origin; cf. W. grwm, murmur, grumble, surly. sq. 1. To murmur or mutter with discontent; to make ill-natured complaints in a low voice and a surly manner. L'Avare, not using half his store, Still grumbles that he has no more.
    To groan beneath. Earth undergroaned their high-raised feet. Chapman.


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