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Word Meanings - HARDINESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Capability of endurance. 2. Hardihood; boldness; firmness; assurance. Spenser. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; Hardness ever Of hardiness is mother. Shak. They who were not yet grown to the hardiness of avowing the contempt of the

Additional info about word: HARDINESS

1. Capability of endurance. 2. Hardihood; boldness; firmness; assurance. Spenser. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; Hardness ever Of hardiness is mother. Shak. They who were not yet grown to the hardiness of avowing the contempt of the king. Clarendon. 3. Hardship; fatigue. Spenser.

Related words: (words related to HARDINESS)

    Boldness, united with firmness and constancy of mind; bravery; intrepidity; also, audaciousness; impudence. A bound of graceful hardihood. Wordsworth. It is the society of numbers which gives hardihood to iniquity. Buckminster. Syn. -- Intrepidity;
    The hard pearly internal layer of several kinds of shells, esp. of pearl oysters, river mussels, and the abalone shells; nacre. See Pearl.
    One who disturbs the public peace. -- Peace"break`ing, n.
    A day appointed for the honor and uplift of motherhood by the loving remembrance of each person of his mother through the performance of some act of kindness, visit, tribute, or letter. The founder of the day is Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, who
    A rural custom in England, of visiting one's parents on Midlent Sunday, -- supposed to have been originally visiting the mother church to make offerings at the high altar.
    In a contemptible manner.
    In a contemptuous manner; with scorn or disdain; despitefully. The apostles and most eminent Christians were poor, and used contemptuously. Jer. Taylor.
    Destitute of a mother; having lost a mother; as, motherless children.
    An aromatic plant ; -- called also wild thyme.
    Manifecting or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful; haughty; insolent; disdainful. A proud, contemptious behavior. Hammond. Savage invectiveand contemptuous sarcasm. Macaulay. Rome . . . entertained the most contemptuous opinion of the Jews.
    The cohesion of the particles on the surface of a body, determined by its capacity to scratch another, or be itself scratched;-measured among minerals on a scale of which diamond and talc form the extremes. (more info) 1. The quality or state of
    Disobedience of the rules, orders, or process of a court of justice, or of rules or orders of a legislative body; disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent language or behavior in presence of a court, tending to disturb its proceedings, or impair the
    The state or quality of being contemptible, or of being despised.
    The state or quality of being motherly.
    1. Capability of endurance. 2. Hardihood; boldness; firmness; assurance. Spenser. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; Hardness ever Of hardiness is mother. Shak. They who were not yet grown to the hardiness of avowing the contempt of the
    1. An advocate; a patron; a patron saint. Let God alone be our avowry. Latimer. 2. The act of the distrainer of goods, who, in an action of replevin, avows and justifies the taking in his own right. Blackstone. Note: When an action of replevin
    1. Act of avowing; avowal. 2. Upholding; defense; vindication. Can my avowance of king-murdering be collected from anything here written by me Fuller.
    The mother of one's husband or wife.
    Full or adequate supply; enough and to spare; sufficiency; specifically, abundant productiveness of the earth; ample supply for human wants; abundance; copiousness. "Plenty of corn and wine." Gen. xxvii. 28. "Promises Britain peace and plenty."
    One who makes peace by reconciling parties that are at variance. Matt. v. 9. --Peace"mak`ing, n.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    The eelpout.
    Disavowal. South.
    Having reached the limits of growth; mature. "Full-grown wings." Lowell.
    Disavowal. Wotton.
    The wife of one's father by a subsequent marriage.
    One who disavows.
    One who, or that which, dispenses; a distributer; as, a dispenser of favors.


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