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Word Meanings - IMBORDER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To furnish or inclose with a border; to form a border of. Milton.

Related words: (words related to IMBORDER)

    The act of furnishing, or of supplying furniture; also, furniture. Daniel.
    One who, or that which, incloses; one who fences off land from common grounds.
    Etym: 1. To surround; to shut in; to confine on all sides; to include; to shut up; to encompass; as, to inclose a fort or an army with troops; to inclose a town with walls. How many evils have inclosed me round! Milton. 2. To put within a case,
    Pr. formir, furmir, fromir, to accomplish, satisfy, fr. OHG. frumjan to further, execute, do, akin to E. frame. See Frame, v. t., and - 1. To supply with anything necessary, useful, or appropriate; to provide; to equip; to fit out, or fit up; to
    A note or memorandum, esp. one containing an enumeration of documents.
    One who supplies or fits out.
    bord a border; of German origin; cf. MHG. borte border, trimming, G. borte trimming, ribbon; akin to E. board in sense 8. See Board, n., 1. The outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, etc.; margin; verge; brink. Upon the borders
    Miltonic. Lowell.
    Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Milton, or his writings; as, Miltonic prose.
    One who dwells on a border, or at the extreme part or confines of a country, region, or tract of land; one who dwells near to a place or region. Borderers of the Caspian. Dyer.
    To furnish or inclose with a border; to form a border of. Milton.
    To deprive of that with which anything is furnished (furniture, equipments, etc.); to strip; to render destitute; to divest. I am a thing obscure, disfurnished of All merit, that can raise me higher. Massinger.
    Bordering on the sea; situated beside the sea. Drayton.
    A subdivision of the Devonian system of America; -- so named from Hamilton, Madison Co., New York. It includes the Marcellus, Hamilton, and Genesee epochs or groups. See the Chart of Geology.
    The act of refurnishing, or state of being refurnished. The refurnishment was in a style richer than before. L. Wallace.
    To strip of furniture; to divest; to strip.
    A division of an order; a group of genera of a little lower rank than an order and of greater importance than a tribe or family; as, cichoraceous plants form a suborder of Compositæ.
    To supply with less than enough; to furnish insufficiently. Collier.
    To free from being inclosed.
    To furnish again.


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