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Word Meanings - INCURVATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of bending, or curving. 2. The state of being bent or curved; curvature. An incurvation of the rays. Derham. 3. The act of bowing, or bending the body, in respect or reverence. "The incurvations of the knee." Bp. Hall.

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    The state of being falcate; a bend in the form of a sickle. Sir T. Browne.
    One who, or that which, straightens.
    Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface.
    1. The act of bending, or curving. 2. The state of being bent or curved; curvature. An incurvation of the rays. Derham. 3. The act of bowing, or bending the body, in respect or reverence. "The incurvations of the knee." Bp. Hall.
    Syntactical change of form of words, as by declension or conjugation; inflection. Express the syntactical relations by flexion. Sir W. Hamilton. (more info) 1. The act of flexing or bending; a turning. 2. A bending; a part bent; a fold. Bacon.
    To free from inflections. Deflectionized languages are said to be analytic. Earle.
    A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another. 3. A withdrawing or estrangement, as of the affections. The alienation of his heart from the king. Bacon. 4. Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as,
    OFries. swerva to creep, D. zwerven to swerve, to rope, OS. swerban to wipe off, MHG. swerben to be whirled, OHG. swerban to wipe off, Icel. sverfa to file, Goth. swaĆ­rban to wipe, and perhaps 1. To stray; to wander; to rope. A maid thitherward
    1. To make straight; to reduce from a crooked to a straight form. 2. To make right or correct; to reduce to order; as, to straighten one's affairs; to straighten an account. To straighten one's face, to cease laughing or smiling, etc., and compose
    The state of being curved; a bending in a regular form; crookedness. Holder.
    The deviation of a shot or ball from its true course. (more info) 1. The act of turning aside, or state of being turned aside; a turning from a right line or proper course; a bending, esp. downward; deviation. The other leads to the same point,
    Etym: 1. To free from flexure; to make, or allow to become, straight; to loosen; as, to unbend a bow. 2. A remit from a strain or from exertion; to set at ease for a time; to relax; as, to unbend the mind from study or care. You do unbend your
    The voluntary and unnecessary departure of a ship from, or delay in, the regular and usual course of the specific voyage insured, thus releasing the underwriters from their responsibility. Deviation of a falling body , that deviation
    The state of being curved.
    1. Not bending; not suffering flexure; not yielding to pressure; stiff; -- applied to material things. Flies o'er unbending corn, and skims along the main. Pope. 2. Unyielding in will; not subject to persuasion or influence; inflexible; resolute;
    A particular leap of a horse, when he raises both his fore legs at once, equally advanced, and, as his fore legs are falling, raises his hind legs, so that all his legs are in the air at once. 2. A prank; a frolic.
    The act of freeing from inflections. Earle.
    1. A receding from each other in moving from a common center; the state of being divergent; as, an angle is made by the divergence of straight lines. Rays come to the eye in a state of divergency. 2. Disagreement; difference. Related with some
    To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.
    1. The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form. 2. A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold.
    The act of abalienating; alienation; estrangement.
    1. A lopping off; a diminution; abatement; deficit. Specifically: Reduction of a claim by deducting a counterclaim; set-off. Abbott. 2. That which is lopped off, diminished, or abated. 3. An abstraction of money, etc., by an officer or agent
    One who swerves from and is unfaithful to the marriage vow. Shak.
    Bending gradually toward the axis or center, as branches or petals.
    A displacement forward of an organ, esp. the uterus, in such manner that its axis is bent upon itself. T. G. Thomas.


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