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Word Meanings - INDECISIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer. The campaign had everywhere been indecisive. Macaulay. 2. Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating;

Additional info about word: INDECISIVE

1. Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer. The campaign had everywhere been indecisive. Macaulay. 2. Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character.

Related words: (words related to INDECISIVE)

    Fertile. See Battel, a.
    Inclined to fluctuate; wavering. Tennyson. -- Vac"il*la`ting*ly, adv.
    One who has served in an army in several campaigns; an old soldier; a veteran.
    Ubiquity; omnipresence. Grew.
    One who wavers; one who is unsettled in doctrine, faith, opinion, or the like. Shak.
    In every place; in all places; hence, in every part; throughly; altogether.
    1. Having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy; putting an end to contest or controversy; final; conclusive. "A decisive, irrevocable doom." Bates. "Decisive campaign." Macaulay. "Decisive proof." Hallam. 2. Marked
    come to an end, fr. ultimus the farthest, last, superl. from the same 1. Farthest; most remote in space or time; extreme; last; final. My harbor, and my ultimate repose. Milton. Many actions apt to procure fame are not conductive to this
    Not determinable; indeterminable. Locke.
    1. To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation. 2. To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to ; to
    One who issues, emits, or publishes.
    One who brings. Yet the first bringer of unwelcome news Hath but a losing office. Shak. Bringer in, one who, or that which, introduces.
    1. The act of vacillating; a moving one way and the other; a wavering. His vacillations, or an alternation of knowledge and doubt. Jer. Taylor.
    1. Pertaining to the end or conclusion; last; terminating; ultimate; as, the final day of a school term. Yet despair not of his final pardon. Milton. 2. Conclusive; decisive; as, a final judgment; the battle of Waterloo brought the contest to a
    In a wavering manner.
    Indetermination. Sir M. Hale.
    The quality or state of wavering.
    The state of being indecisive; unsettled state.
    1. To move one way and the other; to reel or stagger; to waver. is always liable to shift and vacillatefrom one axis to another. Paley. 2. To fluctuate in mind or opinion; to be unsteady or inconstant; to waver. Syn. -- See Fluctuate.
    1. Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer. The campaign had everywhere been indecisive. Macaulay. 2. Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating;
    Of or pertaining to the last syllable but two. -- n.
    To issue a second time.
    1. An intended parapet; a battlement. 2. The fortifying of a building or a wall by means of battlements.
    Clothed in, or adorned with, tissue; also, variegated; as, tissued flowers. Cowper. And crested chiefs and tissued dames Assembled at the clarion's call. T. Warton.
    An arguing over again, as of a motion made in court.
    Interwoven. Shak.
    Not answerable; irrefutable; conclusive; decisive; as, he have an unanswerable argument. -- Un*an"swer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*an"swer*a*bly, adv.


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