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Word Meanings - INDIGENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The condition of being indigent; want of estate, or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty; as, helpless, indigence. Cowper. Syn. -- Poverty; penury; destitution; want; need; privation; lack. See Poverty.

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    The state or quality of being indispensable, or absolutely necessary. S. Clarke.
    The state of being unavoidable; certainty to happen. Prideaux.
    1. The quality or state of being poor or indigent; want or scarcity of means of subsistence; indigence; need. "Swathed in numblest poverty." Keble. The drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty. Prov. xxiii. 21. 2. Any deficiency of elements
    1. The act of requiring; demand; requisition. 2. That which is required; an imperative or authoritative command; an essential condition; something needed or necessary; a need. One of those who believe that they can fill up every requirement
    The condition of being indigent; want of estate, or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty; as, helpless, indigence. Cowper. Syn. -- Poverty; penury; destitution; want; need; privation; lack. See Poverty.
    The condition of being mendicant; beggary; begging. Burke.
    The negation of freedom in voluntary action; the subjection of all phenomena, whether material or spiritual, to inevitable causation; necessitarianism. Of necessity, by necessary consequence; by compulsion, or irresistible power; perforce. Syn.
    The state of being impecunious. Thackeray. Sir W. Scott.
    1. Absence of resources; want; privation; indigence; extreme poverty; destitution. "A penury of military forces." Bacon. They were exposed to hardship and penury. Sprat. It arises in neither from penury of thought. Landor. 2. Penuriousness;
    The state of being deprived of anything; the state or condition of being destitute, needy, or without resources; deficiency; lack; extreme poverty; utter want; as, the inundation caused general destitution.
    1. The act of depriving, or taking away; hence, the depriving of rank or office; degradation in rank; deprivation. Bacon. 2. The state of being deprived or destitute of something, especially of something required or desired; destitution; need;
    1. That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom. Thither he Will come to know his destiny. Shak. No man of woman born, Coward or brave, can
    1. The act of begging; the state of being a beggar; mendicancy; extreme poverty. 2. Beggarly appearance. The freedom and the beggary of the old studio. Thackeray. Syn. -- Indigence; want; penury; mendicancy.
    the taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity. Note: Deprivation may be a beneficio or ab officio; the first takes away the living, the last degrades and deposes from the order. (more info) 1. The act of
    Absence of necessity; the quality or state of being unnecessary.
    The state of being unnecessary; something unnecessary.


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