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Word Meanings - INEQUITABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Not equitable; not just. Burke.

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    To make peculiar; to set appart or assign, as an exclusive possession. Dr. John Smith.
    The quality or state of being specific.
    In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly.
    1. Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. The piece, you think, is incorrect. Pope. 2. Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation. 3. Not
    In a specific manner.
    The act of upbraiding or taunting; a reproach; a taunt. Improperatios and terms of scurrility. Sir T. Browne
    Not right; illegal; as, wrongous imprisonment. Craig. (more info) 1. Constituting, or of the nature of, a wrong; unjust; wrongful.
    1. To treat with injustice; to deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice from; to do undeserved harm to; to deal unjustly with; to injure. He that sinneth . . . wrongeth his own soul. Prov. viii. 36. 2. To impute evil to unjustly;
    The quality or state of being peculiar; peculiarity. Mede.
    Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love. Bp. Burnet.
    1. Full of favor; favoring; manifesting partiality; kind; propitious; friendly. Lend favorable ears to our request. Shak. Lord, thou hast been favorable unto thy land. Ps. lxxxv. 1. 2. Conducive; contributing; tending to promote or facilitate;
    Partiality; specifically , the doctrine of the Partialists.
    1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural. "Erroneous circulation." Arbuthnot. Stopped much of the erroneous light, which otherwise would have disturbed the vision. Sir I. Newman. 2. Misleading;
    1. The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than the other; undue bias of mind. 2. A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking;
    1. Being in error; judging wrongly; having a wrong opinion or a misconception; as, a mistaken man; he is mistaken. 2. Erroneous; wrong; as, a mistaken notion.
    Not wrong; void or free from wrong. -- Wrong"less*ly, adv. Sir P. Sidney.
    1. The state or quality of being particular; distinctiveness; circumstantiality; minuteness in detail. 2. That which is particular; as: Peculiar quality; individual characteristic; peculiarity. "An old heathen altar with this particularity."
    Partiality; bias. Bouvier. 9. A letter or epistle; -- so called in civility or compliment; as, your favor of yesterday is received. 10. pl. (more info) L. favor, fr. favere to be favorable, cf. Skr. bhavaya to further, foster, causative of bhBe.
    To free from bias or prejudice. Swift.
    Short curls dangling over the temples; -- fashionable in the reign of Charles II. Farquhar. (more info) p.p. of OF. favorir, cf. It. favorito, frm. favorita, fr. favorire to 1. A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor; one treated with
    Of the same species.
    To deprive of fairness or beauty. Shak.
    Not partial; not favoring one more than another; treating all alike; unprejudiced; unbiased; disinterested; equitable; fair; just. Shak. Jove is impartial, and to both the same. Dryden. A comprehensive and impartial view. Macaulay.
    Not favorable; not propitious; adverse; contrary; discouraging. -- Un*fa"vor*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*fa"vor*a*bly, adv.


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