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Word Meanings - INHERENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as, polarity is an inherent quality of the magnet; the inherent right of men to life, liberty, and protection. "A most

Additional info about word: INHERENT

Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as, polarity is an inherent quality of the magnet; the inherent right of men to life, liberty, and protection. "A most inherent baseness." Shak. The sore disease which seems inherent in civilization. Southey. Syn. -- Innate; inborn; native; natural; inbred; inwrought; inseparable; essential; indispensable.

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    1. Intrinsic. 2. Intimate; closely familiar. Sir H. Wotton.
    Residence within, as in the heart. The personal indwelling of the Spirit in believers. South.
    A certain Oriental system of theosophy. A. P. Sinnett.
    The state or quality of being indispensable, or absolutely necessary. S. Clarke.
    same as Advancing edge, above.
    Hidden from the eye or the understanding; inviable; secret; concealed; unknown. It is of an occult kind, and is so insensible in its advances as to escape observation. I. Taylor. Occult line , a line drawn as a part of the construction of a figure
    1. One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. 2. One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. H. Bushnell.
    1. Dyed with grain, or kermes. 2. Dyed before manufacture, -- said of the material of a textile fabric; hence, in general, thoroughly inwrought; forming an essential part of the substance. Ingrain carpet, a double or two-ply carpet. --
    Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or, as wootz, by a direct process from the ore.
    1. Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable. Death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come. Shak. 2. Impossible to be otherwise, or to be dispensed with, without preventing the attainment of a desired result;
    To separate from the blood and elaborate by the process of secretion; to elaborate and emit as a secretion. See Secretion. Why one set of cells should secrete bile, another urea, and so on, we do not known. Carpenter. Syn. -- To conceal; hide. See
    Hidden; kept from sight; secreted. -- Con*ceal"ed*ly (, adv. -- Con*ceal"ed*ness, n. Concealed weapons , dangerous weapons so carried on the person as to be knowingly or willfully concealed from sight, -- a practice forbidden by statute.
    Connate or coalescent at the base so as to produce a broad foliaceous body through the center of which the stem passes; -- applied to leaves, as the leaves of the boneset.
    1. Toward the inside; toward the center or interior; as, to bend a thing inward. 2. Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward. So much the rather, thou Celestial Light, Shine inward. Milton.
    State or quality of being implicit.
    The act or process of vitalizing, or infusing the vital principle.
    Concealed by the intervention of some other heavenly body, as a star by the moon. (more info) 1. Hidden; secret. Shak.
    secretari, Sp. & Pg. secretario, It. secretario, segretario) LL. secretarius, originally, a confidant, one intrusted with secrets, 1. One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets. 2. A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public
    Implicitness. Cotgrave.
    Belonging to, or proceeding from, the original stock; native; hence, not counterfeit, spurious, false, or adulterated; authentic; real; natural; true; pure; as, a genuine text; a genuine production; genuine materials. "True, genuine night." Dryden.
    Relating to, or carrying on, elimination.
    Previously required; necessary as a preliminary to any proposed effect or end; as, prerequisite conditions of success.
    In the manner of a nominative; as a nominative.
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    The quality or state of being supernatural.
    Issuing forth; effluent.
    Governing; ruling; imperious. Sir E. Sandys.
    Having the same potential. Equipotential surface, a surface for which the potential is for all points of the surface constant. Level surfaces on the earth are equipotential.
    Ruling; governing.
    Graphite, or black lead, often used on the bottoms of racing vessels to diminish friction.
    Preternaturalness. Dr. John Smith.
    Expressing coördination. J. W. Gibbs.
    To plead the contrary of; to plead against; to deny.


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