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Word Meanings - INSINUATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To introduce gently or slowly, as by a winding or narrow passage, or a gentle, persistent movement. The water easily insinuates itself into, and placidly distends, the vessels of vegetables. Woodward. 2. To introduce artfully; to infuse gently;

Additional info about word: INSINUATE

1. To introduce gently or slowly, as by a winding or narrow passage, or a gentle, persistent movement. The water easily insinuates itself into, and placidly distends, the vessels of vegetables. Woodward. 2. To introduce artfully; to infuse gently; to instill. All the art of rhetoric, besides order and clearness, are for nothing else but to insinuate wrong ideas, move the passions, and thereby mislead the judgment. Locke. Horace laughs to shame all follies and insinuates virtue, rather by familiar examples than by the severity of precepts. Dryden. 3. To hint; to suggest by remote allusion; -- often used derogatorily; as, did you mean to insinuate anything 4. To push or work , as into favor; to introduce by slow, gentle, or artful means; to ingratiate; -- used reflexively. He insinuated himself into the very good grace of the Duke of Buckingham. Clarendon. Syn. -- To instill; hint; suggest; intimate.

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    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    The constellation Aquarius.
    Any plant of the natural order Elatineæ, consisting of two genera , mostly small annual herbs growing in the edges of ponds. Some have a peppery or acrid taste.
    1. To infold or involve; to wrap up. "His head in curls implied." Chapman. 2. To involve in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not include virtually; as, war implies fighting. Where a mulicious act is
    Any one of several species of shrews having fringed feet and capable of swimming actively. The two common European species are the best known. The most common American water shrew, or marsh shrew , is rarely seen, owing to its nocturnal habits.
    So tight as to retain, or not to admit, water; not leaky.
    The water vole. See under Vole. The muskrat. The beaver rat. See under Beaver. 2. A thief on the water; a pirate.
    1. The state or quality of being arid or without moisture; dryness. 2. Fig.: Want of interest of feeling; insensibility; dryness of style or feeling; spiritual drought. Norris.
    To drop in; to pour in drop by drop; hence, to impart gradually; to infuse slowly; to cause to be imbibed. That starlight dews All silently their tears of love instill. Byron. How hast thou instilled Thy malice into thousands. Milton. Syn. -- To
    One who suggests. Beau. & Fl.
    The dipper. The spotted crake . See Illust. of Crake. The swamp hen, or crake, of Australia.
    1. To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects. Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection. Locke. 2. To propose with difference or modesty;
    corresponding to the compar. interior cf. F. intime. The form 1. Innermost; inward; internal; deep-seated; hearty. "I knew from intimate impulse." Milton. 2. Near; close; direct; thorough; complete. He was honored with an intimate and immediate
    A dog accustomed to the water, or trained to retrieve waterfowl. Retrievers, waters spaniels, and Newfoundland dogs are so trained.
    brandish in the air, to fan, to winnow, from ventus wind; akin to E. 1. To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a
    An instrument or machine serving to measure time by the fall, or flow, of a certain quantity of water; a clepsydra.
    A small sail sometimes set under a studding sail or under a driver boom, and reaching nearly to the water.
    The pied wagtail; -- so called because it frequents ponds.
    In an importune manner.
    Water confined in specially constructed compartments in a vessel's hold, to serve as ballast.
    The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."
    1. The act of choosing, or the state of being chosen; preference. Natural preferment of the one . . . before the other. Sir T. Browne. 2. The act of preferring, or advancing in dignity or office; the state of being advanced; promotion. Neither


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