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Word Meanings - JUTTING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Projecting, as corbels, cornices, etc. -- Jut"ting*ly, adv.

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    Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive. Characteristic clearness of temper. Macaulay.
    The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction
    An elastic board, secured at the ends, or at one end, often by elastic supports, used in performing feats of agility or in exercising.
    same as Advancing edge, above.
    A noose fastened to an elastic body, and drawn close with a sudden spring, whereby it catches a bird or other animal; a gin; a snare. As a woodcock to mine own springe. Shak.
    An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring.
    Design; contrivance; projection. Clarendon.
    1. To arise the surface of into bosses or protuberances; particularly, to ornament with raised work. Botches and blains must all his flesh emboss. Milton. 2. To raise in relief from a surface, as an ornament, a head on a coin, or the like. Then
    1. Open to the view; obvious to the eye; easy to be seen; plainly visible; manifest; attracting the eye. It was a rock Of alabaster, piled up to the clouds, Conspicious far. Milton. Conspicious by her veil and hood, Signing the cross, the abbess
    Projectiong outwardly; as, a salient angle; -- opposed to reëntering. See Illust. of Bastion. (more info) 1. Moving by leaps or springs; leaping; bounding; jumping. "Frogs and salient animals." Sir T. Browne. 2. Shooting out up; springing;
    1. Resembling, having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a spring; elastic; as, springy steel; a springy step. Though her little frame was slight, it was firm and springy. Sir W. Scott. 2. Abounding with springs or fountains; wet; spongy; as,
    State of being distinctive.
    The butting or boundary of land, particularly at the end; a headland. Spelman.
    Unlimited extension. An . . . extendlessness of excursions. Sir. M. Hale.
    A kind of lameness in horse. See Stringhalt. Shak.
    In an important manner.
    1. Marking or expressing distinction or difference; distinguishing; characteristic; peculiar. The distinctive character and institutions of New England. Bancroft. 2. Having the power to distinguish and discern; discriminating. Sir T. Browne.
    Displaced. Ogilvie.
    Prominent, or excessively prominent; bulging beyond the surrounding or adjacent surface; swelling; as, a protuberant joint; a protuberant eye. -- Pro*tu"ber*ant*ly, adv.
    A jutting out beyond a surface.
    To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke.
    Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form
    Graphite, or black lead, often used on the bottoms of racing vessels to diminish friction.
    A somersault made with the assistance of the hands placed upon the ground.
    To plead the contrary of; to plead against; to deny.
    The mutual pleas and replies of the plaintiff and defendant, or written statements of the parties in support of their claims, proceeding from the declaration of the plaintiff, until issue is joined, and the question made to rest on some
    1. The leader of a circle of dancers; hence, the leader of a number of persons acting together; the leader of a herd of animals. A primacy of order, such an one as the ringleader hath in a dance. Barrow. 2. Opprobriously, a leader of a body of
    In a pleading manner.


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