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Word Meanings - LABORIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Requiring labor, perseverance, or sacrifices; toilsome; tiresome. Dost thou love watchings, abstinence, or toil, Laborious virtues all Learn these from Cato. Addison. 2. Devoted to labor; diligent; industrious; as, a laborious mechanic.

Additional info about word: LABORIOUS

1. Requiring labor, perseverance, or sacrifices; toilsome; tiresome. Dost thou love watchings, abstinence, or toil, Laborious virtues all Learn these from Cato. Addison. 2. Devoted to labor; diligent; industrious; as, a laborious mechanic. -- La*bo"ri*ous*ly, adv. -- La*bo"ri*ous*ness, n.

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    1. Liable to respond; likely to be called upon to answer; accountable; answerable; amenable; as, a guardian is responsible to the court for his conduct in the office. 2. Able to respond or answer for one's conduct and obligations; trustworthy,
    Continuance in a state of grace until it is succeeded by a state of glory; sometimes called final perseverance, and the perseverance of the saints. See Calvinism. Syn. -- Persistence; steadfastness; constancy; steadiness; pertinacity. (more info)
    Burdensome; oppressive. "Too onerous a solicitude." I. Taylor. Onerous cause , a good and legal consideration; -- opposed to gratuitous.
    1. The state or quality of being arid or without moisture; dryness. 2. Fig.: Want of interest of feeling; insensibility; dryness of style or feeling; spiritual drought. Norris.
    1. Requiring labor, perseverance, or sacrifices; toilsome; tiresome. Dost thou love watchings, abstinence, or toil, Laborious virtues all Learn these from Cato. Addison. 2. Devoted to labor; diligent; industrious; as, a laborious mechanic.
    1. Given to industry; characterized by diligence; constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied; busy; assiduous; not slothful or idle; -- commonly implying devotion to lawful and useful labor. Frugal and industrious men are commonly friendly to
    brandish in the air, to fan, to winnow, from ventus wind; akin to E. 1. To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a
    To persevere.
    One who plods; a drudge.
    Bright; glittering; fiery. His eyen steep, and rolling in his head. Chaucer.
    In an onerous manner.
    A spire; also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form. See Spire. "A weathercock on a steeple." Shak. Rood steeple. See Rood tower, under Rood. -- Steeple bush , a low shrub having dense panicles
    To exhaust or evaporate moisture from; to dry up. Sir T. Browne.
    In a steep manner; with steepness; with precipitous declivity.
    Deep and precipitous, having steep descent. Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire. Shak.
    Not to be effectually opposed; irresistible. "Your great opposeless wills." Shak.
    Persevering. "Perseverant faith." Whitby. -- Per`se*ver"ant*ly, adv.
    1. Steep, like a precipice; as, a precipitous cliff or mountain. 2. Headlong; as, precipitous fall. 3. Hasty; rash; quick; sudden; precipitate; as, precipitous attempts. Sir T. Browne. "Marian's low, precipitous `Hush!'" Mrs. Browning.
    Wrought with labor; requiring labor; hence, tedious; wearisome. "Operose proceeding." Burke. "A very operose calculation." De Quincey. -- Op"er*ose`ly, adv. -- Op"er*ose`ness, n.
    Dull; stupid. "Gross heavy-headed fellows." Beau. & Fl.
    Acting of one's self or of itself; acting without depending on other agents.
    Producing, or converting into, chyle; having the power to form chyle.
    Tending to counteract.
    Fitted or designed to retroact; operating by returned action; affecting what is past; retrospective. Beddoes. Retroactive law or statute , one which operates to make criminal or punishable, or in any way expressly to affect, acts done prior to
    1. Tending to detractor draw. 2. Tending to lower in estimation; depreciative.
    Serving or having power to refract, or turn from a direct course; pertaining to refraction; as, refractive surfaces; refractive powers. Refractive index. See Index of refraction, under Index. -- Absolute refractive index , the index of refraction
    Doing; active. Sylvester. -- Prac"tive*ly, adv. The preacher and the people both, Then practively did thrive. Warner.
    The quality of being detractive.


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