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Word Meanings - LITTLENESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The state or quality of being little; as, littleness of size, thought, duration, power, etc. Syn. -- Smallness; slightness; inconsiderableness; narrowness; insignificance; meanness; penuriousness.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of LITTLENESS)

Related words: (words related to LITTLENESS)

    The quality or state of being sordid.
    The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard to one's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self- preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, without
    The quality or condition of being base; degradation; vileness. I once did hold it a baseness to write fair. Shak.
    The state or quality of being little; as, littleness of size, thought, duration, power, etc. Syn. -- Smallness; slightness; inconsiderableness; narrowness; insignificance; meanness; penuriousness.
    1. The condition, or quality, of being mean; want of excellence; poorness; lowness; baseness; sordidness; stinginess. This figure is of a later date, by the meanness of the workmanship. Addison. 2. A mean act; as, to be guilty of meanness.
    The quality or state of being small.
    The state or quality of being illiberal; narrowness of mind; meanness; niggardliness. Bacon.


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