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Word Meanings - LOCOMOTIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Moving from place to place; changing place, or able to change place; as, a locomotive animal. 2. Used in producing motion; as, the locomotive organs of an animal.

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    Originally, work done by the day; work done by a journeyman at his trade.
    In a wandering manner.
    The act of wandering, or roaming. Bp. Hall.
    One who journeys.
    Worn out with journeying. Shak.
    A large monkey native of Malabar. It is black, or nearly so, but has a long white or gray beard encircling the face. Called also maha, silenus, neelbhunder, lion-tailed baboon, and great wanderoo. Note: The name is sometimes applied also to other
    Passing or traveling about a country; going or preaching on a circuit; wandering; not settled; as, an itinerant preacher; an itinerant peddler. The king's own courts were then itinerant, being kept in the king's palace, and removing with
    In a wandering manner.
  • ROAM
    To go from place to place without any certain purpose or direction; to rove; to wander. He roameth to the carpenter's house. Chaucer. Daphne roaming through a thorny wood. Shak. Syn. -- To wander; rove; range; stroll; ramble. (more info) aim, OS.
    Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has mastered a handicraft or trade; -- distinguished from apprentice and from master workman. I have thought some of nature's journeymen had made men, and not made them well. Shak.
    The state of roving.
    day's journey, OF. jornée, jurnée, a day, a day's work of journey, F. journée, fr. OF. jorn, jurn, jor a day, F. jour, fr. L. diurnus. See 1. The travel or work of a day. Chaucer. We have yet large day, for scarce the sun Hath finished half
    1. The operatin of forming the rove, or slightly twisted sliver or roll of wool or cotton, by means of a machine for the purpose, called a roving frame, or roving machine. 2. A roll or sliver of wool or cotton drawn out and slightly twisted; a
    In an itinerant manner.
    A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit the stake but is continued in play; also, the player of such a ball. Casual marks at uncertain distances. Encyc. Brit. A sort of arrow. All sorts, flights, rovers, and butt
    The power of changing place.
    One who wanders; a rambler; one who roves; hence, one who deviates from duty.
    a. & n. from Wander, v. Wandering albatross , the great white albatross. See Illust. of Albatross. -- Wandering cell , an animal cell which possesses the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white corpuscles of the blood. -- Wandering
    1. To ramble here and there without any certain course or with no definite object in view; to range about; to stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Heb. xi. 37. He wandereth abroad for
    Of or pertaining to nomads, or their way of life; wandering; moving from place to place for subsistence; as, a nomadic tribe. -- No*mad"ic*al*ly, adv.
    1. Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial. In case of excesses, I take the German proverbial cure, by a hair of the same beast, to be the worst. Sir
    The glandular stomach of birds, situated just above the crop.
    A disputant.
    Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.
    A dark brown substance of vegetable origin, allied to curare, and used by the natives of New Granada as an arrow poison.
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    In a provincial manner.
    1. Turning or looking opposite ways. The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. 2. Controversal. Boyle.
    Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile. -- Ap*prov"ing*ly, adv.
    To wander away; to go astray; to wander far and to weariness.
    1. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of others. 2. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline
    To lay a stock or branch of a vine in the ground for propagation. Johnson. (more info) plant, OF. provain, from L. propago, -aginis, akin to propagare to
    Of or pertaining to the first Frankish dynasty in Gaul or France. -- n.
    Of or pertaining to the sacrum and that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it; as, the sacrovertebral angle.
    Of or pertaining to Provence or its inhabitants.
    To turn back.


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