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Word Meanings - MALLEOLUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A projection at the distal end of each bone of the leg at the ankle joint. The malleolus of the tibia is the internal projection, that of the fibula the external. 2. " A layer, " a shoot partly buried in the ground, and there cut halfway through.

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    One who works with the burin. For. Quart. Rev.
    The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction
    That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle. Dryden.
    In opposition; against one's course. If that him list to stand thereagain. Chaucer.
    p. p. of Grind. Chaucer.
    1. To that or this. Chaucer. 2. Besides; moreover. Spenser. Her mouth full small, and thereto soft and red. Chaucer.
    A slender, nearly leafless, American herb (Polygonum articulatum), with jointed spikes of small flowers.
    Before that time; beforehand. Many a winter therebiforn. Chaucer.
    In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly. "I partly believe it." 1 Cor. xi. 18.
    1. Out of that or this. He shall take thereout his handful of the flour. Lev. ii. 2. 2. On the outside; out of doors. Chaucer.
    A propagating by layers. Gardner.
    1. The act of one who, or that which, shoots; as, the shooting of an archery club; the shooting of rays of light. 2. A wounding or killing with a firearm; specifically , the killing of game; as, a week of shooting. 3. A sensation of darting pain;
    The fruit of the Arachis hypogæa ; the peanut; the earthnut. A leguminous, twining plant , producing clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root tuberous and pleasant to the taste. The dwarf ginseng . Gray. A European plant of the genus
    Under that or this.
    Without ground or foundation; wanting cause or reason for support; not authorized; false; as, groundless fear; a groundless report or assertion. -- Ground"less*ly, adv. -- Ground"less*ness, n.
    A projection at the distal end of each bone of the leg at the ankle joint. The malleolus of the tibia is the internal projection, that of the fibula the external. 2. " A layer, " a shoot partly buried in the ground, and there cut halfway through.
    Having no jointure.
    Having ankles; -- used in composition; as, well-ankled. Beau. & Fl.
    Away from the mesial plane of the body; lateral. External angles. See under Angle. (more info) 1. Outward; exterior; relating to the outside, as of a body; being without; acting from without; -- opposed to internal; as, the external
    The joint which connects the foot with the leg; the tarsus. Ankle bone, the bone of the ankle; the astragalus. (more info) ökkla, ökli, Dan. and Sw. ankel, D. enklaauw, enkel, G. enkel, and perh. OHG. encha, ancha thigh, shin: cf. Skr. anga limb,
    To found erroneously. "Misgrounded conceit." Bp. Hall.
    To disjoint.
    Having straight joints. Specifically: Applied to a floor the boards of which are so laid that the joints form a continued line transverse to the length of the boards themselves. Brandle & C. In the United States, applied to planking or flooring
    One who waylays another.
    Wildcat insurance.
    A piece of ground used for recreation; as, the playground of a school.
    Disjointed; unconnected; -- opposed to conjoint. Milton.
    A borosilicate of lime, first found at Danbury, Conn. It is near the topaz in form. Dana.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    1. To shoot over or beyond. "Not to overshoot his game." South. 2. To pass swiftly over; to fly beyond. Hartle. 3. To exceed; as, to overshoot the truth. Cowper. To overshoot one's self, to venture too far; to assert too much.
    Any workman engaged in work involved in putting the track in place. -- Track"lay`ing, n.


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