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Word Meanings - MANIFOLD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! Ps. civ. 24. I know your manifold transgressions. Amos v. 12. 2. Exhibited at divers times or in various ways; -- used to qualify

Additional info about word: MANIFOLD

1. Various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! Ps. civ. 24. I know your manifold transgressions. Amos v. 12. 2. Exhibited at divers times or in various ways; -- used to qualify nouns in the singular number. "The manifold wisdom of God." Eph. iii. 10. "The manifold grace of God." 1 Pet. iv. 10. Manifold writing, a process or method by which several copies, as of a letter, are simultaneously made, sheets of coloring paper being infolded with thin sheets of plain paper upon which the marks made by a stylus or a type-writer are transferred.

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    1. Various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! Ps. civ. 24. I know your manifold transgressions. Amos v. 12. 2. Exhibited at divers times or in various ways; -- used to qualify
    Of a different form; of varied forms.
    Serving to express the frequent repetition of an action; as, a frequentative verb. -- n.
    Having different shapes or forms.
    Inoculation with smallpox.
    Having parts, as leaves, arranged in many vertical rows. (more info) 1. Having multiplicity; having great diversity or variety; of various kinds; diversified; made up of many differing parts; manifold. There is a multifarious artifice
    directions, different, p. p. of divertere. See Divert, and cf. 1. Different in kind or species; diverse. Every sect of them hath a divers posture. Bacon. Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds. Deut. xxii. 9. 2. Several; sundry; various;
    In the way of differentiation.
    Change of termination of words, as in declension, conjugation, derivation, etc. (more info) 1. The act of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation;
    A uneven, permanent dilatation of a vein. Note: Varices are owing to local retardation of the venous circulation, and in some cases to relaxation of the parietes of the veins. They are very common in the superficial veins of the lower
    Governed or characterized by caprice; apt to change suddenly; freakish; whimsical; changeable. "Capricious poet." Shak. "Capricious humor." Hugh Miller. A capricious partiality to the Romish practices. Hallam. Syn. -- Freakish; whimsical; fanciful;
    1. Several; divers; more than one or two; various. "Sundry wines." Chaucer. "Sundry weighty reasons." Shak. With many a sound of sundry melody. Chaucer. Sundry foes the rural realm surround. Dryden. 2. Separate; diverse. Every church almost had
    1. The quality or state of being varicose. 2. An enlargement or swelling in a vessel, fiber, or the like; a varix; as, the varicosities of nerve fibers.
    Many times doubled; manifold; numerous.
    In a different manner; variously.
    Speaking in different ways.
    A stage entertainment of successive separate performances, usually songs, dances, acrobatic feats, dramatic sketches, exhibitions of trained animals, or any specialties. Often loosely called vaudeville show.
    To diversify in external appearance; to mark with different colors; to dapple; to streak; as, to variegate a floor with marble of different colors. The shells are filled with a white spar, which variegates and adds to the beauty of the
  • VARI
    The ringtailed lemur of Madagascar. Its long tail is annulated with black and white.
    With great multiplicity and diversity; with variety of modes and relations.
    Forming a mold.
    Too frequent.
    Inflammation of the ovaries.
    Innumerable. Milton.
    Not plastic or easily molded.
    Of or pertaining to the operation of forming a mouth where the aperture has been contracted, or in any way deformed.
    First-formed. Howell.
    Art of modeling in cork.


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