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Word Meanings - MISBELIEVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To believe erroneously, or in a false religion. "That misbelieving Moor." Shak.

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    The state of being false; contrariety to the fact; inaccuracy; want of integrity or uprightness; double dealing; unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; as, the falseness of a report, a drawing, or a singer's notes; the falseness of a man, or of his
    Hypocritical. Shak.
    A false or artificial voice; that voice in a man which lies above his natural voice; the male counter tenor or alto voice. See Head voice, under Voice.
    A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter religion. Trench. A good man was there of religion. Chaucer. 4. Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined
    1. The practice of, or devotion to, religion. 2. Affectation or pretense of religion.
    To exercise belief in; to credit upon the authority or testimony of another; to be persuaded of the truth of, upon evidence furnished by reasons, arguments, and deductions of the mind, or by circumstances other than personal knowledge; to regard
    One who gives credit to the truth of the Scriptures, as a revelation from God; a Christian; -- in a more restricted sense, one who receives Christ as his Savior, and accepts the way of salvation unfolded in the gospel. Thou didst open the Kingdom
    To bring under the influence of religion. Mallock.
    To believe erroneously, or in a false religion. "That misbelieving Moor." Shak.
    Hollow or unsound at the core; treacherous; deceitful; perfidious. Bacon. -- False"*heart`ed*ness, n. Bp. Stillingfleet.
    1. Want of truth or accuracy; an untrue assertion or representation; error; misrepresentation; falsity. Though it be a lie in the clock, it is but a falsehood in the hand of the dial when pointing at a wrong hour, if rightly following the direction
    A deceiver. Spenser.
    In a false manner; erroneously; not truly; perfidiously or treacherously. "O falsely, falsely murdered." Shak. Oppositions of science, falsely so called. 1 Tim. vi. 20. Will ye steal, murder . . . and swear falsely Jer. vii. 9.
    Destitute of religion.
    One who believes wrongly; one who holds a false religion. Shak.
    Not in tune. False arch , a member having the appearance of an arch, though not of arch construction. -- False attic, an architectural erection above the main cornice, concealing a roof, but not having windows or inclosing rooms. -- False bearing,
    False-hearted. Shak.
    A religionist.
    One earnestly devoted or attached to a religion; a religious zealot. The chief actors on one side were, and were to be, the Puritan religionists. Palfrey. It might be that an Antinomian, a Quaker, or other heterodoreligionists, was to be scourged
    Relating to religion; pious; as, religionary professions.
    A co-religion
    1. One who does not believe; an incredulous person; a doubter; a skeptic. 2. A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person;
    Not believed; disbelieved.
    A feigning to believe, as in the play of children; a mere pretense; a fiction; an invention. "Childlike make-believe." Tylor. To forswear self-delusion and make-believe. M. Arnold.
    One who disbelieves, or refuses belief; an unbeliever. Specifically, one who does not believe the Christian religion. I. Watts.
    A secondary religion; a belief or principle held in a quasi religious veneration. Loyalty is in the English a subreligion. Emerson.


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