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Word Meanings - MORALIZE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. This fable is moralized in a common proverb. L'Estrange. Did he not moralize this spectacle Shak. 2. To furnish with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend

Additional info about word: MORALIZE

1. To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. This fable is moralized in a common proverb. L'Estrange. Did he not moralize this spectacle Shak. 2. To furnish with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend a moral to. While chastening thoughts of sweetest use, bestowed By Wisdom, moralize his pensive road. Wordsworth. 3. To render moral; to correct the morals of. It had a large share in moralizing the poor white people of the country. D. Ramsay. 4. To give a moral quality to; to affect the moral quality of, either for better or worse. Good and bad stars moralize not our actions. Sir T. Browne.

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    An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light. 4. pl. (more info) 1. Something exhibited to view; usually,
    1. Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial. In case of excesses, I take the German proverbial cure, by a hair of the same beast, to be the worst. Sir
    extraneare to treat as a stranger, from extraneus strange. See 1. To withdraw; to withhold; hence, reflexively, to keep at a distance; to cease to be familiar and friendly with. We must estrange our belief from everything which is not clearly and
    A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body; as, the senses of sight, smell, hearing,
    1. One who moralizes; one who teaches or animadverts upon the duties of life; a writer of essays intended to correct vice and inculcate moral duties. Addison. 2. One who practices moral duties; a person who lives in conformity with moral rules;
    The act of furnishing, or of supplying furniture; also, furniture. Daniel.
    Having no purpose or result; objectless. Bp. Hall. -- Pur"pose*less*ness, n.
    1. One of the common people; one having no rank of nobility. All below them even their children, were commoners, and in the eye law equal to each other. Hallam. 2. A member of the House of Commons. 3. One who has a joint right in common ground.
    1. To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. This fable is moralized in a common proverb. L'Estrange. Did he not moralize this spectacle Shak. 2. To furnish with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend
    One who estranges.
    1. The act of moralizing; moral reflections or discourse. 2. Explanation in a moral sense. T. Warton.
    Somewhat common; commonplace; vulgar.
    1. That which a person sets before himself as an object to be reached or accomplished; the end or aim to which the view is directed in any plan, measure, or exertion; view; aim; design; intention; plan. He will his firste purpos modify. Chaucer.
    1. Relating to duty or obligation; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the rules by which such intentions and actions ought to be directed; relating to the practice, manners,
    out+plandare to make level or plain, planus plain: cf. OF. esplaner, 1. To flatten; to spread out; to unfold; to expand. The horse-chestnut is . . . ready to explain its leaf. Evelyn. 2. To make plain, manifest, or intelligible; to clear
    1. Usually; generally; ordinarily; frequently; for the most part; as, confirmed habits commonly continue trough life. 2. In common; familiary. Spenser.
    Specifically, the form of government established on the death of Charles I., in 1649, which existed under Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, ending with the abdication of the latter in 1659. Syn. -- State; realm; republic. (more info) 1. A state;
    1. An old and common saying; a phrase which is often repeated; especially, a sentence which briefly and forcibly expresses some practical truth, or the result of experience and observation; a maxim; a saw; an adage. Chaucer. Bacon. 2. A striking
    One who makes much use of proverbs in speech or writing; one who composes, collects, or studies proverbs.
    1. A Feigned story or tale, intended to instruct or amuse; a fictitious narration intended to enforce some useful truth or precept; an apologue. See the Note under Apologue. Jotham's fable of the trees is the oldest extant. Addison 2. The plot,
    The quality or state of being ineffable or unutterable; unspeakableness.
    To make to understand; to instruct. Halliwell.
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. Syn. -- Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted. -- Un*com"mon*ly, adv. -- Un*com"mon*ness, n.
    A student at Cambridge University, England, who commons, or dines, at the Fellow's table.
    To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. (more info) 1. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. Bacon.
    The act of corrupting or subverting morals. Especially: The act of corrupting or subverting discipline, courage, hope, etc., or the state of being corrupted or subverted in discipline, courage, etc.; as, the demoralization of an army or navy.


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