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Word Meanings - NUISANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That which annoys or gives trouble and vexation; that which is offensive or noxious. Note: Nuisances are public when they annoy citizens in general; private, when they affect individuals only. (more info) nocentia guilt, fr. nocere to hurt, harm;

Additional info about word: NUISANCE

That which annoys or gives trouble and vexation; that which is offensive or noxious. Note: Nuisances are public when they annoy citizens in general; private, when they affect individuals only. (more info) nocentia guilt, fr. nocere to hurt, harm; akin to necare to kill. Cf

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    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    One who troubles or disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as, a troubler of the peace. The rich troublers of the world's repose. Waller.
    Void of delight. Thomson.
    1. Causing discomfort; occasioning uneasiness; making sad. Sir P. Sidney. 2. Destitute of comfort; uncomfortable. A labyrinth of little discomfortable garrets. Thackeray. -- Dis*com"fort*a*ble*ness, n.
    A gift. Gen. xxxiii. 11. 5. Grateful praise or worship. (more info) 1. The act of one who blesses. 2. A declaration of divine favor, or an invocation imploring divine favor on some or something; a benediction; a wish of happiness pronounces.
    That which annoys or gives trouble and vexation; that which is offensive or noxious. Note: Nuisances are public when they annoy citizens in general; private, when they affect individuals only. (more info) nocentia guilt, fr. nocere to hurt, harm;
    To arrange in a composing stick in order for printing; to set . (more info) 1. To form by putting together two or more things or parts; to put together; to make up; to fashion. Zeal ought to be composed of the hidhest degrees of all
    1. One who composes; an author. Specifically, an author of a piece of music. If the thoughts of such authors have nothing in them, they at least . . . show an honest industry and a good intention in the composer. Addison. His most brilliant and
    One who pleases or gratifies.
    One who entertains.
    Giving trouble or anxiety; vexatious; burdensome; wearisome. This troublesome world. Book of Common Prayer. These troublesome disguises that we wear. Milton. My mother will never be troublesome to me. Pope. Syn. -- Uneasy; vexatious; perplexing;
    Delightful. Rom. of R.
    In a cursed manner; miserably; in a manner to be detested; enormously.
    1. The feeling of extreme disgust and hatred; abhorrence; detestation; loathing; as, he holds tobacco in abomination. 2. That which is abominable; anything hateful, wicked, or shamefully vile; an object or state that excites disgust and hatred;
    1. The act of refreshing, or the state of being refreshed; restoration of strength, spirit, vigor, or liveliness; relief after suffering; new life or animation after depression. 2. That which refreshes; means of restoration or reanimation;
    Strong aversion; intense dislike; hate; an affection of the mind awakened by something regarded as evil. Syn. -- Odium; ill will; enmity; hate; animosity; malevolence; rancor; malignity; detestation; loathing; abhorrence; repugnance; antipathy.
    1. The act of inflicting or imposing; as, the infliction of torment, or of punishment. 2. That which is inflicted or imposed, as punishment, disgrace, calamity, etc. His severest inflictions are in themselves acts of justice and righteousness.
    1. The act of annoying, or the state of being annoyed; molestation; vexation; annoy. A deep clay, giving much annoyance to passengers. Fuller. For the further annoyance and terror of any besieged place, they would throw into it dead bodies.
    Deserving a curse; execrable; hateful; detestable; abominable. Let us fly this cursed place. Milton. This cursed quarrel be no more renewed. Dryden.
    The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; relief; release.
    Having no curb or restraint.
    The wife of a constable.
    Excessively troubled.
    Having no ribs.
    To separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to bring to dissolution; to rot or decay.
    Destitute of limbs.
    Without a thumb. Darwin.
    Oppression; hardship; injury; grievance.
    A forerunning. Shak.
    To please excessively.
    The military caste, the second of the four great Hindoo castes; also, a member of that caste. See Caste.
    Having no cubs. Byron.


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