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Word Meanings - OFFENSIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. "Offensive to the stomach."

Additional info about word: OFFENSIVE

1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. "Offensive to the stomach." Bacon. 3. Making the first attack; assailant; aggressive; hence, used in attacking; -- opposed to defensive; as, an offensive war; offensive weapons. League offensive and defensive, a leaque that requires all the parties to it to make war together against any foe, and to defend one another if attacked. Syn. -- Displeasing; disagreeable; distasteful; obnoxious; abhorrent; disgusting; impertinent; rude; saucy; reproachful; opprobrious; insulting; insolent; abusive; scurrilous; assailant; attacking; invading. -- Of*fen"sive*ly, adv. -- Of*fen"sive*ness, n.

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Related words: (words related to OFFENSIVE)

    1. Expressive of opprobrium; attaching disgrace; reproachful; scurrilous; as, opprobrious language. They . . . vindicate themselves in terms no less opprobrious than those by which they are attacked. Addison. 2. Infamous; despised; rendered
    The quality or state of being abominable; odiousness. Bentley.
    1. Worthy of, or causing, abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen; odious in the utmost degree; very hateful; detestable; loathsome; execrable. 2. Excessive; large; -- used as an intensive. Note: Juliana Berners . . . informs us that in her time ,
    Uttering or writing censure; containing, or characterized by, abuse; scolding; abusive. -- Vi*tu"per*a*tive*ly, adv. Vituperative appellations derived from their real or supposed ill qualities. B. Jonson.
    1. The act of leaping on; onset; attack. Dryden. 2. Gross abuse offered to another, either by word or act; an act or speech of insolence or contempt; an affront; an indignity. The ruthless sneer that insult adds to grief. Savage. Syn. -- Affront;
    In a fawning manner.
    In an insolent manner.
    Insolent treatment; insult. "My speech of insultment ended." Shak.
    1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. "Offensive to the stomach."
    1. Using the low and indecent language of the meaner sort of people, or such as only the license of buffoons can warrant; as, a scurrilous fellow. 2. Containing low indecency or abuse; mean; foul; vile; obscenely jocular; as, scurrilous language.
    To deprive of fairness or beauty. Shak.
    1. Manifesting hate or hatred; malignant; malevolent. And worse than death, to view with hateful eyes His rival's conquest. Dryden. 2. Exciting or deserving great dislike, aversion, or disgust; odious. Unhappy, wretched, hateful day! Shak. Syn.
    Partiality; specifically , the doctrine of the Partialists.
    The act of forbidding; prohibition; command or edict against a thing. ow hast thou yield to transgress The strict forbiddance. Milton.
    Containing, or characterized by, insult or abuse; tending to insult or affront; as, insulting language, treatment, etc. -- In*sult"ing*ly, adv. Syn. -- Insolent; impertinent; saucy; rude; abusive; contemptuous. See Insolent.
    1. Envious; malignant. Evelyn. 2. Worthy of envy; desirable; enviable. Such a person appeareth in a far more honorable and invidious state than any prosperous man. Barrow. 3. Likely to incur or produce ill will, or to provoke envy; hateful; as,
    1. The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than the other; undue bias of mind. 2. A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking;
    Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine. -- Nau"seous*ly, adv. -- Nau"seous*ness, n. The nauseousness of such company disgusts a reasonable man. Dryden.
    1. Not considerate; not attentive to safety or to propriety; not regarding the rights or feelings of others; hasty; careless; thoughtless; heedless; as, the young are generally inconsiderate; inconsiderate conduct. It is a very unhappy token of
    In an abusive manner; rudely; with abusive language.
    In a commodious manner. To pass commodiously this life. Milton.
    To exceed in fawning.
    Without abuse.
    1. Giving no offense, or provocation; causing no uneasiness, annoyance, or disturbance; as, an inoffensive man, answer, appearance. 2. Harmless; doing no injury or mischief. Dryden. 3. Not obstructing; presenting no interruption bindrance. Milton.
    Inconvenient; troublesome; incommodious. Spenser. -- Dis`com*mo"di*ous*ly, adv. -- Dis`com*mo"di*ous*ness, n.
    Not partial; not favoring one more than another; treating all alike; unprejudiced; unbiased; disinterested; equitable; fair; just. Shak. Jove is impartial, and to both the same. Dryden. A comprehensive and impartial view. Macaulay.


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