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Word Meanings - PALATOPTERYGOID - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to the palatine and pterygoid region of the skull; as, the palatopterygoid cartilage, or rod, from which the palatine and pterygoid bones are developed.

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    A translucent, elastic tissue; gristle. Note: Cartilage contains no vessels, and consists of a homogeneous, intercellular matrix, in which there are numerous minute cavities, or capsules, containing protoplasmic cells, the cartilage corpuscul. See
    Pertaining to the palatine and pterygoid region of the skull; as, the palatopterygoid cartilage, or rod, from which the palatine and pterygoid bones are developed.
    The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization. The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    A medicinal plant, the thoroughwort . Its properties are diaphoretic and tonic.
    A whaler's name for a whale more than two years old.
    Capable of being developed. J. Peile. Developable surface , a surface described by a moving right line, and such that consecutive positions of the generator intersect each other. Hence, the surface can be developed into a plane.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    1. To go through a process of natural evolution or growth, by successive changes from a less perfect to a more perfect or more highly organized state; to advance from a simpler form of existence to one more complex either in structure or function;
    stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant
    Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the process of development; as, the developmental power of a germ. Carpenter.
    Any plant of the labiate genus Scutellaria, the calyx of whose flower appears, when inverted, like a helmet with the visor raised. (more info) 1. A cap which fits the head closely; also, formerly, a headpiece of iron sewed inside of a
    Of or pertaining to a particular region; sectional.
    , A palatine bone.
    A pterygoid bone. Pterygoid bone , a bone which corresponds to the inner plate of the pterygoid process of the human skull, but which, in all vertebrates below mammals, is not connected with the posterior nares, but serves to connect the palatine
    1. One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.
    One who sets broken or dislocated bones; -- commonly applied to one, not a regular surgeon, who makes an occupation of setting bones. -- Bone"set*ting, n.
    A reagent by the action of which the latent image upon a photographic plate, after exposure in the camera, or otherwise, is developed and visible. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, develops.
    A school, company, or shoal. A knavish skull of boys and girls did pelt at him. Warner. These fishes enter in great flotes and skulls. Holland.
    Situated upon or above the pterygoid bone. -- n.
    The vertebræ of the back. Dunglison.
    The uppermost zone of the sea, which receives the most light.
    Failure or lack of development.
    A kind of cartilage with a fibrous matrix and approaching fibrous connective tissue in structure. -- Fi`bro*car`ti*lag"i*nous, a.
    A very lean animal, esp. a horse.
    Connected with both the nose and the palate; as, the nasopalatine or incisor, canal connecting the mouth and the nasal chamber in some animals; the nasopalatine nerve.
    A nickname for a surgeon.
    A set of rods, made of bone or other material, each divided into nine spaces, and containing the numbers of a column of the multiplication table; -- a contrivance of Baron Napier, the inventor of logarithms, for facilitating the operations
    A lazy person.
    Having a thick skull; hence, dull; heavy; stupid; slow to learn.
    A dunce; a dolt; a stupid fellow. They have talked like numskulls. Arbuthnot.


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