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Word Meanings - PARSE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To resolve into its elements, as a sentence, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by government or agreement; to analyze and describe grammatically. Let him construe the letter into English, and parse it over

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To resolve into its elements, as a sentence, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by government or agreement; to analyze and describe grammatically. Let him construe the letter into English, and parse it over perfectly. Ascham.

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    In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly. The gospel may be neglected, but in can not be understandingly disbelieved.
    Admitting of interpretation; capable of being interpreted or explained.
    Having power to resolve; causing solution; solvent.
    The part of a polariscope which receives the light after polarization, and exhibits its properties. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, analyzes.
    1. The act of resolving or making clear; resolution; solution. "To give a full resolve of that which is so much controverted." Milton. 2. That which has been resolved on or determined; decisive conclusion; fixed purpose; determination; also, legal
    One who parses.
    By interpretation. Ray.
    To subject to analysis; to resolve into its elements; to separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately; to examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to
    Having a fixed purpose; determined; resolute; -- usually placed after its noun; as, a man resolved to be rich. That makes him a resolved enemy. Jer. Taylor. I am resolved she shall not settle here. Fielding.
    1. One of the adherents of the Zoroastrian or ancient Persian religion, descended from Persian refugees settled in India; a fire worshiper; a Gheber. 2. The Iranian dialect of much of the religious literature of the Parsees.
    The religion and customs of the Parsees.
    Knowing; intelligent; skillful; as, he is an understanding man.
    Capable of being rendered.
    1. One who renders. 2. A vessel in which lard or tallow, etc., is rendered.
    understanden, AS. understandan, literally, to stand under; cf. AS. forstandan to understand, G. verstehen. The development of sense is 1. To have just and adequate ideas of; to apprehended the meaning or intention of; to have knowledge
    1. Designed or fitted to interpret; explanatory. "Interpretative lexicography." Johnson. 2. According to interpretation; constructive. An interpretative siding with heresies. Hammond.
    The act of one who renders, or that which is rendered. Specifically: A version; translation; as, the rendering of the Hebrew text. Lowth. In art, the presentation, expression, or interpretation of an idea, theme, or part. The act of laying
    1. A surrender. Shak. 2. A return; a payment of rent. In those early times the king's household was supported by specific renders of corn and other victuals from the tenants of the demains. Blackstone. 3. An account given; a statement. Shak.
    1. That which decomposes, or dissolves. Boyle. 2. That which clears up and removes difficulties, and makes the mind certain or determined. Bp. Burnet. 3. One who resolves, or formal a firm purpose.
    Capable of being misinterpreted; liable to be misunderstood.
    In a scattered or sparse manner.
    To render wrongly; to translate or recite wrongly. Boyle.
    One who misconstrues.
    To resolve beforehand; to predetermine. Sir E. Dering.
    One who interprets erroneously.
    To resolve again. Resolves, and re-resolves, then dies the same. Young.
    To yield; to render or deliver up; to give up; as, a principal surrendered by his bail, a fugitive from justice by a foreign state, or a particular estate by the tenant thereof to him in remainder or reversion. (more info) 1. To yield to the power
    One who makes a surrender, as of an estate. Bouvier.


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