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Word Meanings - PHILOSOPHATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To play the philosopher; to moralize. Barrow.

Related words: (words related to PHILOSOPHATE)

    1. To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. This fable is moralized in a common proverb. L'Estrange. Did he not moralize this spectacle Shak. 2. To furnish with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend
    A follower of Henry Barrowe, one of the founders of Independency or Congregationalism in England. Barrowe was executed for nonconformity in 1953.
    One who moralizes.
    1. One who philosophizes; one versed in, or devoted to, philosophy. Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him. Acts xvii. 18. 2. One who reduces the principles of philosophy to practice in the conduct of life;
    A wicker case, in which salt is put to drain. (more info) 1. A support having handles, and with or without a wheel, on which heavy or bulky things can be transported by hand. See Handbarrow, and Wheelbarrow.
    A frame or barrow, without a wheel, carried by hand.
    Not restrained or tutored by morality. Norris.
    A light vehicle for conveying small loads. It has two handles and one wheel, and is rolled by a single person.
    To corrupt or undermine in morals; to destroy or lessen the effect of moral principles on; to render corrupt or untrustworthy in morals, in discipline, in courage, spirit, etc.; to weaken in spirit or efficiency. The demoralizing example
    A sea purse.


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