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Word Meanings - PINGUID - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Fat; unctuous; greasy. "Some clays are more pinguid." Mortimer.

Related words: (words related to PINGUID)

    Containing fat; fatty.
    Fat; unctuous; greasy. "Some clays are more pinguid." Mortimer.
    Affected with the disease called grease; as, the heels of a horse. See Grease, n., 2. (more info) 1. Composed of, or characterized by, grease; oily; unctuous; as, a greasy dish. 2. Smeared or defiled with grease. With greasy aprons, rules, and
    1. Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy. "The unctuous cheese." Longfellow. 2. Having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals. 3. Bland; suave; also, tender; fervid; as, an unctuous speech; sometimes,


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