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Word Meanings - PITCHERFUL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The quantity a pitcher will hold.

Related words: (words related to PITCHERFUL)

    The quantity a pitcher will hold.
    1. One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.; specifically , the player who delivers the ball to the batsman. 2. A sort of crowbar for digging. Mortimer.
    1. The attribute of being so much, and not more or less; the property of being measurable, or capable of increase and decrease, multiplication and division; greatness; and more concretely, that which answers the question "How much"; measure in
    One of a family of plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. The sidesaddle flower is the type. (more info) 1. A pitcher for water.
    To diminish the quantity of; to lessen. Shak.


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