Word Meanings - PLETHYSMOGRAPH - Book Publishers vocabulary database
An instrument for determining and registering the variations in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence the variations in the amount of blood in the limb. -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a.
Related words: (words related to PLETHYSMOGRAPH)
Any animal that sucks blood; esp., the leech (Hirudo medicinalis), and related species. 2. One who sheds blood; a cruel, bloodthirsty man; one guilty of bloodshed; a murderer. Shak. 3. A hard and exacting master, landlord, or money lender; an - BLOODSHEDDER
One who sheds blood; a manslayer; a murderer. - PLETHYSMOGRAPH
An instrument for determining and registering the variations in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence the variations in the amount of blood in the limb. -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a. - VOLUMENOMETRY
The method or process of measuring volumes by means of the volumenometer. - VOLUMENOMETER
An instrument for measuring the volume of a body, especially a solid, by means of the difference in tension caused by its presence and absence in a confined portion of air. - INSTRUMENTAL
Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. "He defended the use of instrumental music in public worship." Macaulay. Sweet voices mix'd with instrumental - BLOODULF
The European bullfinch. - BLOODROOT
A plant , with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring; -- called also puccoon, redroot, bloodwort, tetterwort, turmeric, and Indian paint. It has acrid emetic properties, and the rootstock is used as a stimulant - GRAPHOTYPE
A process for producing a design upon a surface in relief so that it can be printed from. Prepared chalk or oxide of zinc is pressed upon a smooth plate by a hydraulic press, and the design is drawn upon this in a peculiar ink which hardens the - GRAPHOPHONE
A kind of photograph. - REGISTERING
Recording; -- applied to instruments; having an apparatus which registers; as, a registering thermometer. See Recording. - VOLUMETRIC
Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume. Volumetric analysis , that system of the quantitative analysis of solutions which employs definite volumes of standardized solutions of reagents, as measured by burettes, pipettes, etc.; also, the - GRAPHITIC
Pertaining to, containing, derived from, or resembling, graphite. Graphitic acid , an organic acid, so called because obtained by the oxidation of graphite; -- usually called mellitic acid. -- Graphitic carbon, in iron or steel, that portion of - BLOODY-MINDED
Having a cruel, ferocious disposition; bloodthirsty. Dryden. - VOLUMETER
An instrument for measuring the volumes of gases or liquids by introducing them into a vessel of known capacity. - BLOODSHEDDING
Bloodshed. Shak. - BLOODINESS
1. The state of being bloody. 2. Disposition to shed blood; bloodthirstiness. All that bloodiness and savage cruelty which was in our nature. Holland. - PLETHORICAL
Plethoric. -- Ple*thor"ic*al*ly, adv. Burke. - PLETHRON; PLETHRUM
A long measure of 100 Greek, or 101 English, feet; also, a square measure of 10,000 Greek feet. (more info) Antiq.) - PLETHORA
1. Overfullness; especially, excessive fullness of the blood vessels; repletion; that state of the blood vessels or of the system when the blood exceeds a healthy standard in quantity; hyperæmia; -- opposed to anæmia. 2. State of being overfull; - 'SBLOOD
An abbreviation of God's blood; -- used as an oath. Shak. - HOLOGRAPH
A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose act it purports to be. (more info) "olo`grafos; "o`los whole + gra`fein to write: cf. F. holographe, - SYNGRAPH
A writing signed by both or all the parties to a contract or bond. - ELLIPTOGRAPH
Pertaining to petrography. - CACOGRAPHY
Incorrect or bad writing or spelling. Walpole. - LITHOPHOTOGRAPHY
One skilled in the hydrography; one who surveys, or draws maps or charts of, the sea, lakes, or other waters, with the adjacent shores; one who describes the sea or other waters. Boyle. - STEREOGRAPHIC; STEREOGRAPHICAL
Made or done according to the rules of stereography; delineated on a plane; as, a stereographic chart of the earth. Stereographic projection , a method of representing the sphere in which the center of projection is taken in the surface of the - ANEMOGRAPH
An instrument for measuring and recording the direction and force of the wind. Knight. - PENTAGRAPHIC; PENTAGRAPHICAL
Pantographic. See Pantograph. - OSTEOGRAPHER
Of or pertaining to photography; obtained by photography; used ib photography; as a photographic picture; a photographic camera. -- Pho`to*graph"ic*al*ly, adv. Photographic printing, the process of obtaining pictures, as on chemically - MULTIGRAPH
A combined rotary type-setting and printing machine for office use. The type is transferred semi-automatically by means of keys from a type-supply drum to a printing drum. The printing may be done by means of an inked ribbon to print "typewritten" - CINEMATOGRAPH
A machine, combining magic lantern and kinetoscope features, for projecting on a screen a series of pictures, moved rapidly (25 to 50 a second) and intermittently before an objective lens, and producing by persistence of vision the illusion - CRYPTOGRAPHIST
1. A method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used. 2. A mode of reporting speeches without using shorthand, -- a number of reporters, each in succession, taking down three or four words. Brande & C.