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Word Meanings - PLUME - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An ornamental tuft of feathers. 3. A feather, or group of feathers, worn as an ornament; a waving ornament of hair, or other material resembling feathers. His high plume, that nodded o'er his head. Dryden. 4. A token of honor or prowess; that on

Additional info about word: PLUME

An ornamental tuft of feathers. 3. A feather, or group of feathers, worn as an ornament; a waving ornament of hair, or other material resembling feathers. His high plume, that nodded o'er his head. Dryden. 4. A token of honor or prowess; that on which one prides himself; a prize or reward. "Ambitious to win from me some plume." Milton. (more info) 1. A feather; esp., a soft, downy feather, or a long, conspicuous, or handsome feather. Wings . . . of many a colored plume. Milton.

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    Growing in, or full of, clusters; like clusters. Johnson.
    Yielding irregularly; sometimes rich, sometimes poor; as, a bunchy mine. Page. (more info) 1. Swelling out in bunches. An unshapen, bunchy spear, with bark unpiled. Phaer. 2. Growing in bunches, or resembling a bunch; having tufts; as, the bird's
    The dwarf cornel , which bears a dense cluster of bright red, edible berries.
    A small isolated mass of ore, as distinguished from a continuous vein. Page. (more info) 1. A protuberance; a hunch; a knob or lump; a hump. They will carry . . . their treasures upon the bunches of camels. Isa. xxx. 6. 2. A collection, cluster,
    An ornamental tuft of feathers. 3. A feather, or group of feathers, worn as an ornament; a waving ornament of hair, or other material resembling feathers. His high plume, that nodded o'er his head. Dryden. 4. A token of honor or prowess; that on
    Plumes, collectively or in general; plumage. Southey.
    A small plume. When rosy plumelets tuft the larch. Tennyson.
    Having a bunch on the back; crooked. "Bunch-backed toad." Shak.
    1. A number of things of the same kind growing together; a bunch. Her deeds were like great clusters of ripe grapes, Which load the bunches of the fruitful vine. Spenser. 2. A number of similar things collected together or lying contiguous;
    The quality or condition of being bunchy; knobbiness.
    A grass growing in bunches and affording pasture. In California, Atropis tenuifolia, Festuca scabrella, and several kinds of Stipa are favorite bunch grasses. In Utah, Eriocoma cuspidata is a good bunch grass.
    Without plumes.
    In clusters.
    A feather which has a plumelike web, with the shaft of an ordinary feather.
    A hornlike tuft of feathers on the head of some birds.
    Not plumed; without plumes or feathers; featherless. Drayton.
    To strip of, or as of, a plume, or plumes; to deprive of decoration; to dishonor; to degrade. Displumed, degraded, and metamorphosed. Burke.
    1. To strip or pluck off the feather of; to deprive of of plumage. On the depluming of the pope every bird had his own feather. Fuller. 2. To lay bare; to expose. The exposure and depluming of the leading humbugs of the age. De Quincey.
    To strip of plumes or feathers; hence, to humiliate.
    A hairlike feather; a father with a slender scape and without a web in most or all of its length.


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