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Word Meanings - PLUTONIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who adopts the geological theory of igneous fusion; a Plutonian. See Plutonism.

Related words: (words related to PLUTONIST)

    The union, or binding together, of adjacent parts or tissues. (more info) 1. The act or operation of melting or rendering fluid by heat; the act of melting together; as, the fusion of metals. 2. The state of being melted or dissolved by heat; a
    In a geological manner.
    Plutonic. Poe.
    1. A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation. Note: "This word is employed by English writers in a very loose and improper sense. It is with them usually
    Resulting from, or produced by, the action of fire; as, lavas and basalt are igneous rocks. (more info) 1. Pertaining to, having the nature of, fire; containing fire; resembling fire; as, an igneous appearance.
    The theory, early advanced in geology, that the successive rocks of the earth''s crust were formed by igneous fusion; -- opposed to the Neptunian theory.
    The theory, advanced by Thomson on the basis of investigation by Helmholtz, that the atoms are vortically moving ring-shaped masses (or masses of other forms having a similar internal motion) of a homogeneous, incompressible, frictionless fluid.
    The theory which maintains that the primitive elements of language are reflex expressions induced by sensory impressions; that is, as stated by Max Müller, the creative faculty gave to each general conception as it thrilled for the first
    Half or partially ligneous, as a stem partly woody and partly herbaceous.
    1. The act of pouring out; as, effusion of water, of blood, of grace, of words, and the like. To save the effusion of my people's blood. Dryden. 2. That which is poured out, literally or figuratively. Wash me with that precious effusion, and I
    The theory that living organisms can be produced only by the development of living germs. Cf. Biogenesis, Abiogenesis. 2. The theory which attributes contagious and infectious diseases, suppurative lesions, etc., to the agency of germs.
    The act of perfusing.
    A theory proposed by Ehrlich as a chemical explanation of immunity phenomena. In brief outline it is as follows: Animal cells and bacteria are complex aggregations of molecules, which are themselves complex. Complex molecules react with one another
    The act of pouring or spreading round; the state of being spread round. Swift.
    1. The act of one who is profuse; a lavishing or pouring out without sting. Thy vast profusion to the factious nobles Rowe. 2. Abundance; exuberant plenty; lavish supply; as, a profusion of commodities. Addison.
    Of or pertaining to micro-geology.
    1. The act of infusing, pouring in, or instilling; instillation; as, the infusion of good principles into the mind; the infusion of ardor or zeal. Our language has received innumerable elegancies and improvements from that infusion of Hebraisms.
    The theory which likens the course of certain diseases (esp. infectious diseases) to the process of fermentation, and attributes them to the organized ferments in the body. It does not differ materially from the accepted germ theory .
    The act of passing by osmosis through animal membranes, as in the distribution of poisons, gases, etc., through the body. Unlike absorption, diffusion may go on after death, that is, after the blood ceases to circulate. Syn. -- Extension; spread;
    A blending of one color into another; the spreading of one color over another, as on the feathers of birds. (more info) 1. The act or process of suffusing, or state of being suffused; an overspreading. To those that have the jaundice,
    1. The state of being mixed or blended so as to produce indistinctness or error; indistinct combination; disorder; tumult. The confusion of thought to which the Aristotelians were liable. Whewell. Moody beggars starving for a time Of pellmell havoc


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