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Word Meanings - SEMILIGNEOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Half or partially ligneous, as a stem partly woody and partly herbaceous.

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    In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly. "I partly believe it." 1 Cor. xi. 18.
    1. Abounding with wood or woods; as, woody land. "The woody wilderness." Bryant. Secret shades Of woody Ida's inmost grove. Milton. 2. Consisting of, or containing, wood or woody fiber; ligneous; as, the woody parts of plants. 3. Of or pertaining
    Of or pertaining to herbs; having the nature, texture, or characteristics, of an herb; as, herbaceous plants; an herbaceous stem.
    Made of wood; consisting of wood; of the nature of, or resembling, wood; woody. It should be tried with shoots of vines and roots of red roses; for it may be they, being of a moreligneous nature, will incorporate with the tree itself.
    1. In part; not totally; as, partially true; the sun partially eclipsed. Sir T. Browne. 2. In a partial manner; with undue bias of mind; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially. Shak.
    Half or partially ligneous, as a stem partly woody and partly herbaceous.
    In an impartial manner.
    Pertaining to, or designating, the acid liquid obtained in the distillation of wood, consisting essentially of impure acetic acid.


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